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What is Off Page SEO?

What is Off Page SEO?

Off Page SEO is an important part of the SEO world. Previously, we learned about On Page SEO and checked the parameters related to On Page SEO. In this article, I want to discuss the concept of Off Page Seo and see what factors are related to On Page Seo and affect the ranking from the point of view of Google or other search engines.

What is Off Page SEO?

All the activities that are done outside our site and have an impact on the search results (Serp) are called Off Page SEO.

There are several million sites around the world and the number is added every day. Several billion pages have been created in the entire Internet. When a user searches for a phrase, how does the search engine show the best results to the user? Is On Page SEO or On Site enough? If site A and site B operate in the same domain and both have strong On Page SEO . Which site deserves a higher ranking?

Here the concept of Off Page SEO is formed. If both sites A and B are on the same level, Google will check the credibility of the sites and rank the site that is more popular.

When I started doing SEO, I thought to myself that if a site produces content in the best possible way and does its job correctly, it will definitely be noticed by Google and there is no need to resort to Off Page Seo to get a ranking . But I was wrong. It is not like that at all. You should not consider this matter unimportant. Although Google and its algorithms have improved a lot today, Off Page Seo and its parameters still play an important role in ranking sites.

What does Off Page SEO include?

In general, it can be said that the field of Off Page SEO includes a wide range of which we will examine some of them:

  1. Back Link
  2. Social networks (Social Medias)
  3. Local SEO
  4. And …

Back links

The beating heart of Off Page SEO is backlinks. An important and influential parameter in the success and failure of sites. I still sometimes hear that backlinks are no longer important or have lost their impact. But it’s not really like that. Maybe those who say this are still linking to techniques from 10 years ago and expect these things to work. But in the best case, these techniques are ineffective and neutral, and in the worst case, it causes fines and penalties for the site.

If site A puts a link to site B in its site, it has linked to site B. In general, this link is valuable for Google . Because he thinks that site B has done very well that site A has mentioned. But a series of links must be followed. In the list below, I mention the parameters that are important in getting backlinks and link building. But before that, let’s get acquainted with two important and interesting concepts in the world of SEO .

Domain Authority: Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine scoring system developed by Moz . This tool assigns a number from 1 to 100 to each site (domain), and any domain with a higher number has a higher chance of being ranked and appearing in search results.

Moz checks various parameters and scores the sites, for example, how many links are given to the main root of the site, for example, DGding.com . The improvement of the domain authority number is logarithmic. It means that going from 20 to 30 is easier than going from 70 to 80. There are many tools for calculating the domain authority of sites. For example, you can use the Keyword Explorer or Link Explorer tools created by Moz to find the authority domain of a site.

Page Authority or page authority: Page Authority (PA) is a system similar to Domain Authority. with the difference that instead of ranking the main root of the domain, it ranks different pages. That is, every page on the Internet receives a score from 1 to 100, and the higher this number is, the better the validity of that page. With Keyword Explorer, in addition to the authority domain, you can also see the page authority of the page.

What does a good backlink include?

A good backlink has many features, some of which I will mention below:

The strength and quality of the linking site:

The higher the quality of the site that links to us, the more valuable the received backlink will be. Think of a site like DigiKala, which has very high traffic, pointing to you and giving a link to one of your pages in its contents. This is very valuable to Google. Now suppose that a site that is considered spam by Google and has been penalized gives you a link. Certainly, the quality of these two links is different from earth to heaven. High-quality backlinks have a great impact on site SEO .

Quality sites themselves have received many backlinks and have many indexed pages in search engines


Relevance of the linking site to our site:

Backlinks should be as relevant as possible to our business topic. For example, suppose a site like Digi Ding , which is active in the field of technology , regularly gets links from sites in the field of cooking or psychology or… and most of these sites are of poor quality. This is where Google suspects that DigiDing is probably buying backlinks and trying to trick Google’s algorithms. Google does its best to deal with sites that buy and sell links. For example, getting a backlink from a site like Digitatu is a very good thing for Digi Ding .

Do not forget that one of the most important parameters in backlinks is the relevance of that link to our field of work.

Variety of received links:

We talked about relevance, but diversity is very important along with relevance. Links should not be received only from a specific domain and only for a specific page of the site (for example, the main page or Home Page). Everything should go naturally. Sites have different sections that can be link builders. I believe that a site should have variety in its incoming links to grow well. In the list below, I have written some examples of the variety of link building.

  1. Links received from your own pages (internal linking)
  2. Links received from different parts of the site (footer, sidebar, etc.)
  3. Links received from forums
  4. Comment links (the links we receive from the comments section of the sites)
  5. The type of received links that are No Follow or Follow
  6. Getting links through guest posts or guest blogging
  7. And …

All the above methods show the variety of link building. Of course, some of these methods are completely nonsense and outdated.

SEO is an evolving profession. We must learn to abandon the old and wrong ways and dedicate ourselves to changing user behavior and improving search engines.

Text or anchor text:

Anchor Text is an important part of backlinks. Anchortext is the text on which the link is mounted and points to the desired URL . On websites, when a link is placed on a text, its color or state usually changes and the user realizes that he is dealing with a link. So the text that shows the link is Anchor Text . Anchor Text is an important measure in measuring backlinks. Suppose two different sites have linked to our home page with two different anchortexts in their content.

Digi Ding: Digital Marketing Agency

Guaranteed slimming packages!!!

Which one do you think is more effective and useful? The first one is completely related to our site and is considered a suitable anchor text.

The anchor text of the link we receive plays an important role in the backlink received.


In HTML, links are shown with a tag. The text that is placed between the a tag is Anchor text.

The number of links on the linking page

Google has an interesting algorithm for calculating the value of links. There should not be too many external links on one page. In this case, the value of the links is reduced and Google may be suspicious of your site and consider you as spam. Now, if the link we receive is on a quieter page in terms of the number of links, it will gain more value. Usually, sites that have very high link output are considered by Google as link farms or spam, and you should be careful about getting links from these sites.

A backlink is a very powerful signal to the search engine that X site has credibility in the Internet world and sites like to refer to it. Of course, I must remind you that apart from links, there are other factors in the credibility of the site for the search engine.

Social Networks

Social Medias are becoming more and more popular day by day and smart businesses know that they should go with this wave and be present in these networks. I believe that nothing can replace a website and having a website for an online business is the bread and butter. We should never establish our business only on a social network that is fashionable these days. Social networks have their ups and downs, but sites have always had a special place in the Internet world.

One of our important tasks in foreign SEO is to be present in social networks to show our brand to people. These activities can increase the traffic of our site and send more users to our site. So we have to get to work and create our own work page and complete our profile in these networks. Apart from branding , presence in social networks has another advantage. Getting backlinks. Most messengers and prominent social networks allow placing links in their user profiles. So we kill two birds with one stone.

I believe that the soul of an online business is its website. I recommend that you never sacrifice your site to Social Networks.

Of course, have one tip from me. If your business is small and you have few people, limit social activities a bit. A site with 3 human resources can hardly produce content in 7 popular social networks exclusively and usefully. Therefore, professional work on one or two social networks is much more valuable than half-and-half work on ten social networks. So be careful not to think too dreamily.

Local SEO

Search the term “restaurant” in Google right now. What do you see in the results?

Local site optimization or local SEO is a process that helps us attract the closest users to our business through search engine optimization . This is not only limited to Google and other famous engines like Bing and Yahoo also use Local Search . Suppose you are the owner of a bicycle shop in Mazandaran province, if you have launched a good website and a user in your province and near the physical location of your shop searches for the phrase “buy a bicycle”. If he sees you in the results, you have a better chance of selling your product.

Local search is a very good thing in the world of search engines. With local SEO, the results vary based on the geographical location of each person. For example, in a specific keyword, I see the same results in Tehran, and a user in Ahvaz sees the results differently. One of the most important Off Page Seo topics is Local Search.


In this article, we examined the importance of Off Page SEO and realized that in order to rank in Google , only On Page Seo is not enough and we must work on the signals that the search engine receives about our business outside of our site. We understood the high importance of links and made sure that links are still one of the influential factors in the ranking of sites . We said that in Off Site Seo, apart from backlinks , there are also important topics such as social networks and local search that should not be missed.

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