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9 important factors in domain registration

9 important factors in domain registration

Choosing a suitable domain for the site is one of the most important tasks for site owners. There are 9 important factors in website domain registration, if the domain name is chosen well according to these factors, it can have a great impact on the success of the business. In this article, we will talk about domain SEO, review the things you should know before registering a domain, and examine the impact of a domain name on SEO .

What is a domain?

Before we analyze and analyze domain SEO, I would like you to understand the concept of domain well. The site domain is a unique and human-readable internet address that enables access to the desired site.

A domain generally consists of 3 parts:

  1. Sub domain
  2. Domain Name
  3. Top Level Domain

Examining the various components of the domain

http or https that you see at the beginning of a domain address are protocols. We have nothing to do with them at the moment. Look at the 2 pictures below and then read the description to get familiar with the domain structure.

Root Domain

Domain Name and Top Level Domain together form the Root Domain.


TLD is sometimes called Extension.

What is a domain or subdomain?

The subdomain or subdomain comes before the main domain name and is preceded by a “.” It is separated from it. For example, if we want to launch a website store. We can assign it the address shop.DGding.com. shop is a subdomain for DGding.com . Or, for example, in the address www.DGding.com , the “www” part is a Sub Domain. Using any subdomain is optional.

What is a domain name?

Domain Name is the main part of an Internet address. The part everyone remembers. In fact, the birth certificate of your site and the identity of your business. For example, the domain name of our site is DGding. This is the most important part of a domain.

What is TLD or top level domain?

There are a series of extensions that are placed at the end of the domain name and explain about the domain. Like com or ir. These two were familiar, weren’t they? But do you know how many TLDs there are in the world?

There are approximately 1,500 top-level domains (TLDs) in the entire world. Some of them are very important. For example, some .gov are not worth much. If you would like to know the exact number of these domains, visit the statistician of ICANN Research . This site regularly updates its database. Sometimes even daily.

Some famous TLDs

com. : It means commercial . It is usually used for international business and has a global aspect.

org. : It means Organization . Mostly used for non-profit organizations. But anyone can register it.

net. : It means Network . It is usually used for companies that work in the field of network and internet.

edu. : It means education . Most of the purpose is educational sites.

gov. : It means Government . Government sites use it.

ir. : It means Iran . As it is known, the first two letters of the word Iran. ir in the domain indicates that most of the visitors of the target site are located in Iran.

The effect of domain life on domain SEO

Suppose, for example, that you registered the test.ir domain in 2017. But you didn’t upload any site with this domain and you just renewed the domain every year. Now after 10 years you want to use this domain and connect a site to that domain. Is this domain 10 years old today and does Google give it a special rating?

no The answer to both questions is no.

It is not the case that Google calculates the lifetime of a domain based on how long it has been registered. According to Matt Katz, one of Google’s executives, they don’t treat domain age that way. Rather, other points are important for Google. Things like when was the site first crawled or when was the first link given to that domain?

So don’t worry that your opponent’s site has a 15-year-old domain and it is impossible for you to reach the value of that domain now. It is not like that at all. The date of domain registration is not important to Google. In fact, they use Domain Age to distinguish between an old site and a newly established site that might be spammed. This.

The effect of domain age on site ranking

In a short video answering a user’s question, Matt Katz beautifully described how domain age has no effect on Google rankings. In his opinion, as soon as you have been on the web for a few months, you should wait for your pages to be seen in the first results of Google . And at the end of his speech, he mentioned that the content of your site determines the value of the site and the backlinks you get from this valuable content. So don’t worry too much about domain life and focus on your contacts.

Important factors in domain registration

The role of domain in an internet business is extremely important. You should be most careful in choosing it. Because it is not like a physical business to change your brand by removing the sign above the shop and installing a new sign. Changing the scope has its own problems and conditions. On the other hand, in physical businesses, the brand name may not be very important for buyers and visitors. But this is not the case in the virtual world. An attractive domain name can be a solid step in starting your successful business.

Be very careful in choosing a domain name. This is something that stays with you for years. Do you love him from the bottom of your heart?

Now you have come to the question of how to choose a good domain? Read the list below. I have listed the points that came to my mind to choose the site domain. These are not everything. They are just a series of tips to know as much as possible about domain SEO and to get to know the characteristics of good domains.

1- Easy to remember

Avoid choosing very strange or special names. They may be attractive at first, but over time they will touch the user’s heart. Choose something that will stick well in your mind and flow. For example, Divar site has performed very well in choosing a domain name. This name is easily remembered and you don’t need to bother to remember the brand of this company.

2- Be as short as possible

Suppose a domain name has 30 characters. It might even be a catchy name. But there is a problem. These names do not remain in the mind.

There is a famous download site in Iran that has a very long domain name that I don’t like to name, but typing this name is sometimes difficult for users, and I think using long domains is not right at all. Always think of users. Short domains are easy to type and remember well.

The famous saying “Shorter is better” applies here. The shorter the better…

3- Read and write easily

An attractive domain should roll easily on the tongue and be read without any problems. It should also be easy to write. One of the important aspects of domain SEO is its readability and writability.

Before you register your domain, whisper it a few times and see how it sounds. Look at its different forms and see if its writing is attractive or not. Choose a domain that everyone can easily speak and write just as easily.

4- It has meaning and meaning

There is nothing worse than choosing a pointless domain. In fact, behind what users see as an internet address, there must be a thought or an idea. You should be able to answer this question properly. What is the meaning of this domain???

Try to choose a domain that makes sense.

5- Represent your field of work

There is nothing worse than having a book selling site with a domain name like Mycar.xyz. Or a clothing store that operates with the seotips.xyz domain. The domain name you choose should reflect the type of business you run.

Do not use names unrelated to your class. Of course, I don’t mean that if you are a store, you must definitely use the word shop in your domain. Has Torb website said anything about sales in its domain? Just don’t use names unrelated to your field.

6- Do not use separators as much as possible

By separators, I mean characters like “–” or “_” or similar. For several reasons, I believe that these types of characters should not be used in the domain name:

  • The site looks like spam (like arzan-seo-iran and Google’s view of the site will be bad)
  • It gets a little tricky when you tell someone (you have to say a “dash or dot” after each word)
  • One more thing… usually these domains become ugly (admit, they are not very beautiful)

7- It can be developed

Just don’t see today. Today, when you are just starting out, it may seem a bit strange and dreamy to imagine that one day you will get a lot of traffic and a lot of people will like your site. But this will happen in the future. There comes a time when you need to add new services to the site and provide new services. So don’t choose a domain name in such a way that you will face problems later and the service you provide does not match your domain name.

The problem that happened to Digikala. In the beginning they were selling digital goods and after some time they decided to add other goods. With the addition of a book to the site, the domain name might seem a bit strange. But again, Digikala passed this stage well. Consider the Amazon site as well. Although in the beginning this site was just an online bookstore. But today it is the largest online store in the world and its main manager is Mr. Jeff Bezos, one of the richest people in the world. Pay attention that today Amazon has all kinds of products and this name is still suitable for the site and there is no name interference.

8- Using relevant keywords

Don’t forget keywords aren’t everything. Today, Google has progressed to such an extent that it is no longer completely dependent on keywords.

Using a keyword related to your work in the domain may be a good signal to the search engine . But this is not so important. Sometimes it can even be harmful.

Follow the previous tips and use keywords if possible. But don’t sacrifice everything for it.

9- The domain must be unique

Observing this point is very important in domain SEO. That the domain name is not a copy. Try to become a brand that others can be inspired by. Not just using another brand to your advantage. This is not a good thing in the long run. So, at the very beginning, create something that belongs to you. Although not very extraordinary, you are proud of yourself. Because you are trying to be a pioneer rather than an imitator.


You don’t have to spend years choosing a domain. I know people who get so involved in choosing a domain name that they completely forget about their business.

Q. Choose the best option at the best possible time. Don’t forget to ask your friends and business experts for help.

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