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12 important features in news website design

12 important features in news website design

In various news sites such as IRNA, they have the task and purpose of publishing world news and increasing people’s awareness. These sites are updated day and night and all kinds of news are published and updated with expert analysis. Designing a news website is a little different from designing other types of sites, such as designing an educational site . These sites have the nature of transmitting news and public information. Therefore, they must be constantly updated. Content production in these types of sites, SEO and coding in news sites are very different and specialized. Therefore, if you plan to design a news website, you should pay attention to many points.

The purpose of designing a news site

News sites are like an attractive digital newspaper that the audience can use its information at any time of the day or night. These digital newspapers do not create any restrictions for the audience. It is enough that your digital device is connected to the Internet. Although some news sites offline also display the published news according to the latest update when connected to the Internet.

Audiences of news sites are generally not looking for buying and selling. Rather, there are people who are interested in reading and following the current events in the world. Therefore, many users are attracted to these digital environments. Many news sites, in addition to publishing daily news in various fields, have also turned to advertising and introducing various sites and products, which have been approved by some users. Of course, this issue is related to the work policy of the site.

Your news site can only be specific to one category of news: like sports news sites, or it can be even more segregated and only review football news. And of course, it can also be an attractive news site that covers all the events and news of the day.

Types of news sites

News sites are divided into two groups in terms of information sources:

News sites that publish news independently by having a news team.

News sites that robotically and software collect news from other sites and show you.

The most important principle in news site design

For the survival of the news site, nothing is more important than the visibility and indexing of the site. Users of Dunya Khabar are not looking for buying goods or registering for training classes. Therefore, the only thing that keeps a news site alive is the audience. Therefore, the most important principle in designing a news site is optimization for all types of search engines such as Google , Yahoo , Doc Doc Go , Bing , etc., in order to get the best ranking .

Features of the news site

The nature and functionality of news sites are very different. The purpose of its users is also different. Therefore, the design of a news site seems a bit complicated. Graphic design on news sites should be consistent with its purpose. These types of sites have less graphic variety but are more professional than other sites. And search engine SEO and technical SEO are stronger. News sites must be constantly updated. And of course, it is better to have a news application .

news site

News website design is one of the most complex types of website design . For this reason, we must keep these points in mind when designing a news website and making optimal use of the main features of a news website:

1- The time and producer of the news

It is better to announce the news with a time identifier (date and time) and the name of the reporter. This gives identity to the published news and increases its honesty in the eyes of the audience.

2- Using multiple contents

In order for your audience to better understand the published news, you should design the news publication space in such a way that, in addition to the textual content, photo, video and even audio content related to the news is used.

3- Division and classification of news

Sometimes the audience tends to follow only their favorite news. Humans naturally prefer an orderly space because it increases accessibility. Therefore, in the design of the news site, separate the news topics from each other. For example, the political news section should be separate from sports news.

4- Introduction of related news

It is better to introduce similar news pages or news related to the same page to the audience at the end of the page where the news is posted. This work is effective in the quick indexing of the site and its traffic, and the audience eagerly stays on your site for a longer period of time.

5- Registration / login

This section is important not only in the news site but in all sites. By doing this, you will have a large pool of loyal users. Like those who become members of a library. This section also increases the trust of the audience in your site and they see themselves as a member of a big news club.

6- Security

Site security always plays an important and even vital role for it. Sites that do not have security will soon lose their credibility and audience. Hackers can easily infiltrate your site and use it to their advantage. They can even change the nature of your site. Or abuse your users by stealing information.

7- Responsive design

Definitely, not all users use the same device to follow the content of your news site. So the conditions for everyone should be such that they can benefit from the site’s information. Therefore, responsive design prevents your audience from being deleted.

8- Load speed

When designing a news site , pay a lot of attention to the speed of the site . Contacts like to have access to the news and information they want in the shortest possible time. The speed of the site should respond to the volume of the number of entries, loading videos and images related to the news and entering other pages as well.

9- Identity information

On news sites, you must provide identifying information. The name of the author or reporter of the news and the time of publication of the news is only part of this information that should be mentioned. In addition to those reference links, specify the number of visitors, people’s poll statistics and even different views for each news item.

10- Archive

Many people in the news world sometimes have a tendency to flashback to old news. The news archive section is a space where the news is stored in that section after some time and remains forever.

11- The possibility of sharing

This section is the most exciting part of the site from the users’ point of view. Because it gives them the authority to share their desired and favorite news with others.

12- Summary of the news

This section is seen as a summary definition of the news that encourages the audience to follow it. As a result, the audience enters its main page with one click on the news summary.

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