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All kinds of advertisements

All kinds of advertisements

Types of advertisements are classified in terms of advertising media , in terms of audience, in terms of the volume of advertising campaigns and dozens of other opinions. It is obvious that advertising, like any other subject, can be classified in different aspects.

New changes in the advertising space and the emergence of new media have made the choice of advertising method require more careful consideration.

Maybe in the past, the same options were on the table when choosing the media to advertise vegetable oil and to drive between the lines, and for example, billboards and environmental advertisements were used along with television advertising teasers, but today it is possible to use two media and two methods for these two issues. Completely different advertising is appropriate.

At first, we will ask the question, what do we usually advertise for? And we try to check all kinds of advertisements from this point of view.

Of course, it is clear that this division does not necessarily mean that the mentioned groups do not overlap with each other. However, the division as follows can greatly clarify the design and implementation of an advertising program :

Advertising for the brand

Most of us, when we hear the word advertising, we think of advertising for a business brand . It is enough to walk around the city to see numerous examples of advertising for the commercial brand.

Internet companies, automobile manufacturers, and companies active in the food industry are just examples of industries that allocate a portion of their budget to advertising for their corporate brand or product brand.

Of course, advertisements for commercial brands are widely seen in written media and digital media.

Also keep in mind that when a specific and independent brand is designed only for a specific product and companies decide to advertise the brand of this product, the line between advertising for the brand and advertising for the product may be blurred.

Although we know that the requirements and characteristics of advertising for a brand are not always the same as the requirements and characteristics of advertising for a product.

Advertising for the final consumer

Suppose a software company designs and produces a new product and plans to market it .

Or suppose a car manufacturing company wants to introduce its new car model.

This type of advertisement, in which there is clearly a person as the final consumer (Consumer) and must decide whether to buy or not to use the product or not, has its own requirements and characteristics, and even the psychology of customer behavior. Face it, it’s different from other types of advertising.

Advertising for corporate customers

Sometimes, we target companies and businesses that we are interested in using our products. Purchasing decisions in organizations are generally different from individual purchasing decisions.

Some of these differences are superficial and simple: for example, for the final consumer, the fact that there is extensive advertising of a product on television or in environmental media or in newspapers, may be persuasive and persuasive. But in the organizational environment, usually such a problem cannot be a decision criterion, at least in its official form.

Of course, structural differences should not be forgotten:

In advertising for the final consumer, in the end, there is generally a real decision-maker in front of you, but in organizational buying, many people may be involved and the contribution of all of them in the final decision is significant.

Social advertising

Social advertising is a form of advertising that does not aim to sell a product to the audience and receive money from the customer. Occasional environmental advertisements of municipalities are an example of social advertisements.

The general message to congratulate the victory of a representative in the parliament or the appointment of a new manager can also be classified in this category.

In the past, social advertising was generally done by official institutions and governments, and sometimes by non-governmental organizations. But today, social networks as a platform have created an environment where a large share of social advertising is done by individual movements or unorganized groups of people.

Advertising for travel purposes can also be included in this category if it is not specifically aimed at selling a specific package or product.

Advertising for events

Think about advertising for a seminar or an exhibition. Event advertising is one of the common types of advertising , and some features of this type of advertising distinguish it from other types of advertising. Perhaps the most important difference is that the entire advertising process is centered around the decision to take action at a specific time .

You can advertise for a brand or a product or a social movement and believe that even if it doesn’t have an impact in the short term, it will have an impact in the long term. This effect may or may not really exist, but one thing is certain about event advertising, and that is that the advertisement will not have any other function if it does not respond at its specified time.

Of course, the advertising of events includes other things that may not come to mind at the first moment:

For example, when a travel agency has chartered a flight to a certain destination and now, there are only two days left for the flight and now it is trying to sell tickets. Or when the expiration date of a company’s products is near and that company is planning to promote and sell them.

Advertising for personal branding

Advertising for personal branding

If we want to take a philosophical look at advertising, advertising for personal branding can be considered as a subset of commercial brand advertising or product advertising . But most of the books written in the field of advertising prefer to separate such a discussion from commercial brand and product advertising .

Such a separation seems logical. ” Human to human ” advertisement is a complex advertisement, and even if its mechanisms are similar to other types of advertisement, its effectiveness methods are completely different, and designing an advertisement program for personal branding will require its own knowledge and experience.

Finally, keep in mind that what is advertised is not necessarily limited to what I mentioned, and the classifications provided are not necessarily independent. But due to the common structure of advertising, this type of classification will help to define and execute the route better.

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