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Introduction of 8 advertising media

Introduction of 8 advertising media

In advertising, we always intend to send one or more specific messages to our audience. Any tool that can be used as a platform to convey this message is considered an advertising medium. Allow us to review some of the most common types of advertising media.

1- Printed publications

Printed and written publications have always been one of the popular options among all types of advertising media. Examples of written publications are newspapers, weekly magazines, monthly magazines, and catalogs and books that are published professionally in any industry. Of course, it is obvious that these media have serious differences with each other despite their apparent similarity. For example, the type of advertising in a national newspaper and a specialized monthly magazine and the reaction of the audience to these two different media have serious differences.

Sometimes the advertisers decide to directly publish the advertisements in written form instead of using the common publications in the society. This work may start from simple tasks such as printing pamphlets and brochures and continue to complex tasks such as printing exclusive books. Of course, the latter method is naturally difficult and considered more specialized. But it will be just as effective. Such work can be considered as adding a new media alongside the existing types of advertising media.

2- Radio

1919 was the first year that radios broadcast programs continuously. It only took a year for radio network managers to realize that the best way to earn money and be financially independent for radio networks is advertising.

For about a century, most of the world’s radio networks have been using advertising to earn money , and naturally, advertisers consider radio as an option in their list of advertising media.

3- TV and satellite

Television is another medium that has almost always been of interest to advertisers. Despite the relatively high cost of television advertising, many people and advertisers still consider television to be one of those media where advertising, if not effective, is at least credible. Of course, many analyzes today focus on the fact that television will lose its extensive dominance over advertising in the near future.

TV and satellite

4- Internet and digital space

It is natural that the Internet, as a medium that is widely available to everyone today at a relatively low price, is considered an attractive medium for advertising.

Of course, due to the fact that the life of the internet in a cheap and universal way has not yet reached ten years, the knowledge of advertising in it has not yet grown enough, and most of the advertising tools used in the online space are merely imitations of old traditional tools. Advertising sites, social networks , the ability to send group emails and manage interactive spaces are only examples of the functions of the Internet as a medium in the new world.

5- Mobile

It is simply not possible to comment on the separation or non-separation of mobile from other media related to the Internet and online space. In the past, mobile was seen as an independent medium. But these days, many activists in the field of electronic advertising see mobile phones as one of the tools for connecting to the Internet, along with laptops and tablets. But anyway, mobile still has features that make us consider it independently and separately.

6- Sponsorship

Most of those who work in the field of advertising recognize and classify sponsorship as one of the advertising media. When a concert or a cultural program or a specialized economic exhibition is held, in fact a new media is formed which, although the number of its audience is limited, it can be an effective media due to their common characteristics and knowledge of their interests and priorities.

Environmental media

7- Environmental media

Environmental media is another part of the big world of media, which is highly regarded by advertisers as well as advertising agencies .

Although most of us think of billboards when we hear the word environmental media, we should be careful that environmental media is a very wide range of media, of which billboards and advertisements on buses and public service stalls and strawboards, video walls, etc., are only a part of it.

8- Mailing

You may think to yourself that such a method has been obsolete for years now, and the fact is that you are right to a large extent. These days, you’d be hard-pressed to find an advertising campaign that involves sending tens of thousands of letters to people’s homes or workplaces.

But this method and similar methods are still not completely extinct and as long as written messages are common, there are different forms of this medium. Advertisements on the back of landline bills can almost be classified in this group.

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