Advantages of click advertising
Click advertising campaign is one of the cost-effective advertising methods among all types of advertising methods.
If a click advertising campaign is implemented in a correct and principled way, a perfect customer journey will be created and this will increase the rate of return on investment (ROI) in businesses.
One of the advantages of click advertising campaign is the ability to monitor the performance of advertising campaigns and evaluate them through analytical tools that can be used to obtain many details of advertising performance, such as the number of clicks and conversion rates.

Plan: General
Analysis: General
Visits: 10.000
Number of ads: 1
Keywords: 1
Landing Page: 1 Page
Report: Analytics
Report: Data Studio
Period Time: 1 Month

Plan: Exclusive
Analysis: General
Visits: 30.000
Number of ads: 2
Keywords: 2
Landing Page: 2 Page
Report: Analytics
Report: Data Studio
Period Time: 1 Month

Plan: Exclusive
Analysis: Exclusive
Visits: 60.000
Number of ads: 3
Keywords: 3
Landing Page: 3 Page
Report: Analytics
Report: Data Studio
Period Time: 1 Month
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