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Social network management services

Social network management services

This article is a comprehensive and general example of all the things you need when ordering social network management services. This article has been compiled and adjusted according to the knowledge of the market and on the basis of knowledge, experience and surrounding observations, and it can undoubtedly cover a wider range after evaluating and studying the requests of employers and their other requirements. Therefore, the purpose of presenting this article is to help and raise awareness for people who are looking to hire a social network manager or people who want to take a project as a social network manager, so that they can be sure of all the required parts in such projects. take action Of course, freelancers can use the content of this article to prepare a comprehensive proposal to present to their clients.

Description of the need in social networks

The penetration rate of the Internet, mobile phones and web pages in the digital era has led to the formation of methods to form human communities at the global level with virtual identity, these methods are referred to as social networks or social networks, which have a social but digital structure, which in fact Online solutions with unique capabilities for forming various communities and groups for communicating or publishing digital content, and these solutions are usually based on one or more specific types of dependence, such as publishing or republishing production content, ideas and intellectual exchanges, people’s communication in a completely viral and inclusive way. It establishes and develops in human societies and causes them to connect and communicate.

Every social network offers the structure of audience attraction and automatic development, the process of the audience’s addiction to its use in different ways, some by sharing images, some with job offers, some with friendly chats, some with the purpose of entertainment and…! The mushroom-like growth of these solutions is the reason for their popularity, and today there are hundreds and maybe thousands of national and international social networks, out of this huge volume, several of them have been used by millions and sometimes billions of people in a very professional and advanced way. This means that you are a community for You can transmit your message to the world of viewers! Because these solutions are not only for entertainment or personal communication, but it is a suitable platform for marketing, branding, education, improvement and development of individual or organizational growth and sharing knowledge, solutions and ideas at the global level. Therefore, turning to this advantage, social networks are one of the The best media or advertising portals are individual or group or organization, that’s why attracting the audience and conveying the message to a wide range of talented people has become very common in these solutions, and content production is one of them.

You rarely see a person or a business that does not have a profile or channel (group) in one or more social networks for instant distribution of their message. The competitive presence of businesses to dominate the markets and increase the popularity and sales has greatly increased, and the need to use engineered methods to maintain or strengthen the business is more and more important to business owners and sales and marketing managers.

Social networks are not a new concept from the past to today, but the form of its reconstruction in the present era, especially in the digital transformation of the last century, has changed unexpectedly and includes a wider volume of different elements and items for sharing and spreading from a personal or commercial brand. In fact, social networks are examples of online solutions through which you want to present an image of your business or product or service in the minds of the audience or customers. This means that social networks are basically the possibility of increasing the reputation of a person or a business. And work in the field of providing one or more products or services can be done efficiently.

What a customer, user or consumer or audience thinks or feels about a product, an idea , a person or an organization, requires a virtual face-to-face communication portal, and this platform is the same as today’s social networks. It provides space for individual or business branding.

The purpose of social networks

The most important goal that can be achieved from being on social networks is to present a good image of a personal or business brand, which is very effective in formulating a strategy for branding or branding. This means that by being on social networks, in addition to widely transmitting messages, attracting more audience and receiving feedback. Potential and actual customers, it is used to create awareness and increase customer loyalty. The ultimate goal of social networks is to strengthen the brand ! Creating popularity and creating positive value in the eyes of customers regarding a product, a service, is the result that should be obtained from being on social networks. In addition to increasing the profit margin and increasing sales, it will cause fame and create a long-term perspective in the business. Presence in social networks, how to present content, how to receive and handle customer feedback and opinions, data analysis of the quality and quantity of production content before sales, during sales and after sales to customers, all indicate the success of business on this platform.

Features of social networks

  1. Assured investment for business growth, improvement and strengthening
  2. Knowing the customer and converting potential contacts into actual ones
  3. Receive direct customer comments and feedback
  4. The extent of access to the audience without borders, language and time
  5. Ease of placement and business promotion in the minds of the audience
  6. Increased profit margin due to attracting more customers and more sales
  7. Increasing the level of business competitiveness with competitors

Advantages of using DigiDing services

  • Using experts in the fields of graphics , ui design , content production , marketing and digital marketing
  • Very low cost in designing, consulting, implementing and reviewing the brand penetration rate and providing services
  • Training and formulating a regular strategy for continuous improvement
  • Implementing a variety of technology engineering and marketing engineering solutions to maintain customer loyalty
  • Monitoring the growth rate of production contents and references to the site
  • Examining brand penetration over time
  • Control policies and executive policies of content production
  • Complete data and organizational details for future needs
  • Monitoring the performance of media and channels and groups
  • Determining the important policies of marketing and SEO base content production and management
  • Accurate and professional documentation of the project
  • And many other benefits that you will not be deprived of.

Social network management project at a glance

The general and estimated prospects, both in terms of cost and time, for the implementation of such a project are listed below, which will provide the employer with an overview of zero to one hundred projects. Therefore, these items are just to provide an overview, and without a doubt, when concluding a contract and implementing the project, the exact values, including the exact start time, the actual completion time, the exact cost, and other requirements will be provided after the final evaluations.

But this perspective can also cause the employer to carefully examine everything, both in terms of time and cost and legal aspects, in order to make the best decision in addition to sufficient knowledge.

  • Project: Management of social networks
  • Employer: applicant company
  • Presenter: DJ Ding
  • Procedure for starting work: after approval of the proposal and signing of the contract
  • Place of execution: executive company
  • Estimated duration: monthly
  • Estimated cost: 15 million per month
  • Amount of increase: increase of workload and changes up to 25%
  • Time of implementation and final delivery: after signing the contract
  • Duration of training: as needed
  • How to advise and support: face-to-face – resident expert
  • Consultation and support period: yearly
  • Support cost for future years: 25% of total implementation + inflation rate
  • Implementation plan: The basic proposed plan

Technical specifications of the social network management project

The following is an initial and linear assessment of the items that are necessary and necessary to implement such a project and prioritized, these priorities are set based on our experience in implementing similar projects and an overview or big picture from zero to There are hundreds of projects. These items can be increased or decreased by the client, and their implementation priorities can be changed based on the client’s opinion.

These items are the main items that are necessary for the launch of this project, so for your information, they have been set according to the prioritization of the work. These items will be the basis and basis of the technical specifications of the initial structure and standard of the project presentation, and the future planning will be based on them. The same technical specifications of the project, which is also known as the project framework, in addition to consistency in the progress and development of the work, will also lead to the nobility of the client and reduce costs in the future.

* Development of social networks strategy plan: Priority 01

  1. Identifying the community of contacts and customers and creating the corresponding channels and groups
  2. Identifying competitors and the organization’s current brand position among them (familiarity with their strengths and weaknesses and the employer’s brand)
  3. Preparing and presenting a comprehensive program of content, meaning and appearance marketing
  4. Security program for social network communication portals

* Consultation and engineering of visual and semantic content for inclusion in social networks: Priority 01

* Implementation of social network management service: Priority 01

  1. Creation and management of channels and engineering of social networks, preparation of strategy , production and management of content, simultaneous publication of content in social networks and management dashboard of publication results.

* Providing management tools and dashboards for simultaneous content production and publishing systems in all social networks: Priority 04

* Providing solutions for integration and integration of all tools and methods of management and communication with the customer at one point: Priority 04

* Implementation of mobile services: Priority 04

* Management of service reports and various tours: priority 03

* Education and leadership: Priority 02

* Monitoring the growth, strengthening and strength of maturity and influence of branding: priority 03

* Support for related services and brand penetration data analysis: Priority 01

* Complete documentation of the project and presentation of documentation in specific formats or based on standards such as RUP and…: Priority 01

Common organizational solutions in managing social networks

Social networks are the fabric of human history, but in the present age, in the digital form, it has taken a new format, but still, along with the digital evolution, they are presented in many types and in the cover of computer software, some have more organizational advantages, some have individual advantages, some have limitations. They are in volume, type and time of content or comments, etc., some have limitations in increasing the created individual or organizational network, and some have other limitations. In any case, among hundreds of social networks, the following are still at the top, and in terms of branding, they are the best platform for strengthening a personal or organizational brand, which is as follows:

Facebook: The largest social network in terms of the total number of registered users and real members in the world, it has more than 1.59 billion monthly active users and more than one million small and medium-sized businesses use this portal for their commercial advertising . Currently, it has about 2 billion and 10 million monthly activities by its users.

Instagram: Instagram is a visual social network. It has more than 400 million active users and about 800 million monthly visits. Its main owner is Facebook. They use this network to post pictures, the world of fashion, different foods, art and other similar topics. One of the reasons for the popularity of Instagram is due to the unique filters that create photo and video editing facilities. Almost 95% of the users of this network are also members of Facebook.
Telegram: Telegram is basically a messenger, but due to its popularity in business and having the ability to create groups and channels and covering any type of file and format, it is also considered one of the social platforms and has more than 200 million active users. 1 billion messages are sent daily.

Linkedin: Linkedin is a business social network. From this portal, you can find a resume, develop a work network, find a job, introduce and present a portfolio , and everything related to a job and business. In addition to the fact that it is possible to share files as a preview, video, etc., LinkedIn now has about 106 million monthly active users.

Aparat (Aparat): Aparat is an Iranian video social network that allows video sharing. The number of visits to different pages of Aparat is 250 million views, and of course it is the second site after Google in Iran.

Youtube: YouTube is a video social network that enables video sharing. It is owned by Google and currently has more than 1.5 billion monthly views.

X (Twitter): Twitter is a short text social network, that is, posting a maximum of 140 characters is allowed and has more than 320 million monthly active users.

Different businesses use it to interact with their customers, answer their questions and publish the latest news, and at the same time, they also follow up on special advertisements for their specific contacts.

Other networks: There are other services such as Reddit, Vine, Pinterest, etc., but in the world and especially in Iran, the above described are the most popular portals for using social networks for business.

All 7 social network services are used to produce, review, review, receive feedback and monitor business content, because due to the nature of each of these solutions, it includes a range of different audiences, and by using a management tool, it is possible to simultaneously insert Sharing and creating content in all these portals is free of charge. To understand how to present simultaneously in all solutions together, pay attention to the fact that an advertising message with the aim of introducing the organizational brand can be published simultaneously on all 7 above portals at the same time, and the report of comments, visits and feedback of this message during different intervals, measurement and to be used for continuous improvement in relation to the audience community. The reason why this is important is that although these portals each have several hundred million audience, but in the world around us and the business market and audience attraction , none of them still achieve 100% desired results and the need to take advantage of the simultaneous management structure of the social network is very important and necessary. has it.

The process of managing social networks

The work execution process will provide the client with a favorable perspective of the steps and professional activities in the direction of project implementation, based on this procedure, from the moment of drafting the RFP or proposal document, it is carefully adjusted and described so that you can rest assured that the executor has a timeline. And the program is scheduled and engineered from the first stage to the end and in each stage, the relevant documents and reports are brought to the attention and opinion of the employer. Therefore, the process and step-by-step implementation of the work is as follows:

  • Presentation of proposal design: RFP submitted
  • Setting up the contract: after confirming and completing the questionnaire and other requirements, the contract is concluded
  • Delivery of basic information: including documentation, prerequisites and business policy
  • Implementation of the work process: based on the selected plan, the planning of the start of the project implementation begins
  • Testing and checking the environment: performing all the tests and efficiency tests of the strategy formulation program
  • Initial optimization: Providing improvements to maintain and strengthen message transmission in social networks
  • Training: user training for experts at the employer’s place in the form of a workshop or seminar
  • Improvement consultation and support: providing telephone or remote consultation and support with fast response SLA
  • Documentation: Documentation is provided in written form and in the form of an electronic file

The executive proceeds based on a project management system, project management, according to the type of project, is one of the issues that must be considered and formulated at this stage of the project. Never pay too much attention to the claims and hype about the capabilities of project planning and control and meeting needs using a pre-designed software or manual system. Be sure that with a careful and time-consuming approach at this stage of the project, you will get the desired result when planning and controlling the project in the next stages.

Implementation steps of social networks service

  • Examining and analyzing the employer’s needs
  • Presenting the initial plan of developing a business strategy based on the obtained generalities and details
  • An initial study regarding the amount of organization data and their sensitivity
  • Designing infrastructure for content production and branding and digital marketing based on social networks according to the survey
  • Consulting and providing solutions and tools for the simultaneous management of social networks
  • Installation of services related to social networks
  • Grouping the community of contacts and customers
  • Maintenance and support of content infrastructure, digital and social network technology
  • Integration and synchronization of customer club, websites and CRM with enterprise software
  • The process of training and support of social network service management
  • Complete social network service delivery

Basic inputs and prerequisites

There is no doubt that without having the basic information and details of the organization, it is quite difficult to implement a valuable and worthy project according to the taste and brand of the employer.

Therefore, it is recommended that the following input items be presented to the executive for review and inclusion in the implementation of the project. If you do not have the following items ready due to reasons such as lack of manpower or lack of time, do not worry that these items can be compiled and produced separately and in the best way by the working group of the executive project. Therefore, if you have documents, it is necessary to present the following items to the presenter.

  • Introduction of an agent
  • Completing and sending the questionnaire
  • Providing prerequisites and related instructions
  • Providing information on social networks and necessary text documents
  • Providing access to social network channels and groups, if any
  • Presenting policies and internal policies
  • Providing a list of essential information of other related people of the organization if necessary
  • Providing necessary access to services related to branding
  • Providing the proposed SLA expected by the organization
  • Provide all contact information
  • Select the desired support plan

The design, production and planning team must have sufficient ability, knowledge and experience in the field of investigating the structure and infrastructure of information technology, content management and production and data engineering and providing related professional services in the best possible way with network engineering, production work and make the presentation

Final output and main processing

The final output of the project is an integrated and centralized social network management service implemented on the basis of one of the proposed solutions along with the documentation and attachments that are necessary for the implementation and operation of the system. Also, the project documentation, which includes the set of documents and documents that are created during the project, including all the documents that are exchanged between the executive and the employer and the monitoring body. Such as: project products, invoices, notices, periodical and specific meeting minutes and comments, in this section other definitions, terms and abbreviations that are mentioned in the project or not that do not require a definition for They are provided in order to avoid any necessary disputes. The documentation of each phase is presented in full by the manager in three copies, and the project status report form must be completed by the supervisor at the end of each month for the project.

Finally, after the final summary and full implementation, you will have a popular and well-known brand in social networks, which is going to help you to grow and strengthen a dynamic and coherent business, and as a result, you will reach the following items as the final output. :

  • A social networking service designed and implemented with other accessories
  • Receive all the final documents of project implementation
  • Temporary delivery report (reports for each step)
  • Other documents if there are some special and customized requirements
  • Access
  • The list of updates and changes and optimizations made on the solution during the consultation period

The executive will carefully provide the employer with a sample temporary delivery report form in each phase of the implementation, a completely transparent training guide, complete user training, and support based on the desired platform along with web service and other systems. By default, based on the type of contract, the amount of work and the plan of needs, the employer can receive more documents or related products.

Number of users

Business owners, sales and marketing managers, senior managers, leaders and experts in content production, documentaries, photographers, writers, service providers and contacts and customers and all users are among the users of the organization’s social network service and the need to provide timely services to them. It is very important.

Also, ensuring the quality of the type of service that is to be provided by the service center to the employer depends on the appropriate hardware infrastructure and correct configuration and a strong support and consulting team, because apart from providing new sales, marketing and marketing services , all the company’s forces The executive will provide the necessary cooperation to improve the penetration rate of the brand and its infrastructure, but based on the following needs assessment and based on the new management systems, the executive experts must coordinate to provide real-time services as soon as possible.

  • Business owners: 1 or 2 people who can be more in case of need or organizational roles
  • All sales, support and technology experts: the number of personnel of the organization
  • All users: all contacts and all current customers

A professional executive will cover and respond to all ideas and plans by relying on request management systems and providing multi-layered levels of advice and support based on ITIL. 3 management and level 4 joint committee of the employer and executive team will provide services. In other words, many other services are offered in the background and in remote working mode.

Software prerequisites

Some requirements and software prerequisites are required to use the project. These requirements are necessary if the employer’s project is of the type of real-time communication with the client, otherwise there is no need for the following items.

  • Choosing the model of the social network portal and the type of solution according to the volume of requirements
  • Providing authorized access to install and implement the service
  • Other essentials

Hardware prerequisites

Undoubtedly, most of today’s business growth is based on branding and digital branding , an important part of which is the use of social networks. This creates a series of hardware requirements and IT prerequisites. According to the following checklist, the delivery of the organization’s equipment and infrastructure and hardware requirements and prerequisites are required for the use and overloading of the project. Storage devices based on the type of model selected along with dedicated physical or virtual servers located in internal or external data centers are intended and must have extremely high efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Physical servers – in data centers or on premises
  • dedicated server
  • cloud server
  • Storage device
  • Hard storage device
  • Server connection slots with SAN device
  • Communication cables

Simply presenting a model of the above servers and the type of technology tools used in branding is enough. The digital branding service strongly requires hardware infrastructure and suitable network bandwidth, and this depends on the amount of data and their importance, and even their format and type, whether the organization’s business is only a few users or thousands of users, in any case, hard infrastructure Network software will have the first word in the maintenance, development and stability of business services. For example, if you want to use digital branding to provide services for a small business, a virtual server with minimal hardware and with A DAS or NAS storage system is sufficient in the first step, but for a business that offers a huge range of products or services, the existence of a dedicated and physical server and fiber optic communications and the use of a SAN solution will become more important. In any case, the hardware prerequisites are highly dependent on the type of service provided by the employer on the network platform. In other words, to provide a new business at the location of the employer’s organization, the presence of racks, server rooms, physical servers, electrical connections, network connections, Internet communication links, storage devices, switches, routers, management software and social networking services, hardware, etc. will be required. Was.

Note: All the infrastructure of digital services of social networks can be 100% cloud, which means that there is no need to provide hardware and equipment, of course, this depends on the choice of employers!

Data storage

Maintaining information is very important in the implementation of social network management service. Because this service is directly related to the content, and the failure to preserve the produced or edited content, user data and information security, causes the direct destruction of the brand and the complete loss of public trust in it. Therefore, the need to maintain the correct data and customer information and statistical results is the key to the sustainability of this project. Therefore, based on the type of database, you need to maintain and back up data regularly. This can be done by the employer or the executive team during the deployment and support period.

  • Prepare and set data backup schedules
  • Providing the best data storage medium based on the employer’s data type
  • Test the backed up files in a lab environment to make sure
  • Storage of backup files in different time intervals

In IT, this backup can refer to copying data. They play an important role in restoring the original data. Organization of data storage can be an important factor in supporting the backup process. There are several ways to organize data storage in different locations. Before determining the location, it is necessary to extract and select the data. In other words, the employer’s project must be under load so that data can be extracted from it. Once the data exists, there are many ways to optimize the data. Organization and encryption is an important process in the field of data optimization; After that, data retention measures, data placement in a suitable storage location, and finally, measurement and validation are also considered.

Because of the similarity, backup systems are often confused with archive systems. Backup differs from other processes in the sense that archives are primary copies of data. But the backup system shows that a defect can be the cause of data weakness and how to restore the situation after any failure in the project. For this operation, models or data storage media also get priority:

  • CD-R and DVD-R disc storage
  • Local media: such as hard disks, internal ROM/RAM spaces
  • Network storage devices such as SAN Storage or NAS Storage
  • Cloud storage


Before designing and implementing a social networking service, it is necessary to complete the following questionnaires and have a written and structured plan for the implementation of this service and be able to make better decisions based on the implementation strategies of this service.

* Which of the social network services does the employer need?

  1. Developing a business strategy in social networks
  2. Creating social media channels
  3. Content production and management and engineering of social networks
  4. Evaluation and statistics of audience visits and growth
  5. Simultaneous production and publication of content in social network channels
  6. management dashboard

* Which service does the employer need along with social networks?

  1. Website implementation
  2. Implementation of online store
  3. Customer club design
  4. Implementation of CRM customer communication software
  5. Organizational portal implementation
  6. Implementation of online payment gateways

What is the largest volume of customer data production that needs to be produced and published?

  1. Video files
  2. Image files
  3. Texts
  4. Audio files
  5. All items
  6. Organizational and administrative files

* What kind of social network support and advice does the employer need?

  1. Remote
  2. by phone
  3. in person
  4. All items

* Have you ever had such a program for your organization’s social networks?

  1. Yes
  2. no

* How many content production, sales and information technology experts do you have?

  1. Less than 10 people
  2. More than 10 people

* What is the estimated number of contacts and clients of the employer?

  1. Number of contacts
  2. Number of actual current customers

Project implementation status report

At each stage of the process of consultation, design, implementation, implementation and training and evaluation at different levels and the process of doing the work, a status report or temporary delivery, which means official approval, is issued by the executive at each stage of the work based on the project conditions and approved. And the employer’s signature will arrive, which is actually a work progress report and ensuring that the next steps are taken, of course, all of this process is provided in an integrated application management system based on agility, DevOps and ITIL.

Monitoring and control of support and improvement of service delivery

You undoubtedly know that digital services of social networks are a multiple nature of tracking services, implementation and work on content and software production operations. And every service is not free from any bugs and errors in appearance, code, performance, etc. Service control test is the process of evaluating a service in order to ensure its correct performance in various events and during its use. But that’s not all, the presenter should also conduct tests in the field of branding management and the influence and influence of the audience in order to have a more accurate evaluation based on a more realistic statistical population.

In other words, in order to find the error rate and potential problems and defects of a service during registration, processing, follow-up, referral and presentation and completion for its correct, correct and optimal performance during use.

As much as the service can be provided with different events in a more favorable and acceptable manner, both in terms of performance and user convenience, it can be expected to have better performance.

Good testing: Probability of finding undetected errors with high evaluation.
Successful test: detection of at least one undetected error.
Full test: full evaluation of the service by higher layers.

  • Performance and efficiency test:  review and test the performance of the system and its compliance with the basic requirements
  • User interface test:  checking and testing the system user interface by one or more test users
  • Visit test:   including visiting contacts and customers
  • Security test:   checking the stability and security of information in the database against unauthorized access
  • Feedback test:   review results and feedback for continuous improvement of published content on social networks
  • Support test:   testing and checking backup samples from the data database and restoring it
  • Update test:   providing a sample of initial changes as the first revision and update test

Project implementation schedule

No project is ever completed without a precise schedule! In the Executive Executive Working Group, the planning, design and implementation of the social network service should be done in the best way according to a coherent and predetermined time frame. This schedule was initially estimated in the stage of studying the proposal and based on the proposed plan, but after approval and implementation, it is actually entered and managed in the project management software.

Phase 1:

  • 2 days to study the proposal
  • 2 days to complete and send the questionnaire
  • 1 day contract

Phase 2:

  • Receive the work strategy of the organization in accordance with all the needs and requirements of 1 day
  • Receive information 1 day
  • Designing, implementing and implementing services related to social networks for 90 days

Phase 3:

  • Operational support after 10 days of implementation

Phase 4:

  • Providing quarterly, six-monthly and yearly 5-day reports
  • 1 day expert training

Phase 5:

  • Final delivery of the penetration rate and strengthening or creating the brand of the organization at the end of the contract

Note: This schedule varies based on the detailed requirements of the employer.

The existence of a schedule with a systematic approach clarifies the path of project implementation, provides an index to measure the progress of the project, leads to the identification of possible problems and obstacles on the way of the project and makes it possible to provide a quick solution. Also, this important issue increases responsibility and accountability at all levels of the organization and project. The schedule provides the time sequence of the project activities during its execution and helps all the project team members to understand the prerequisites necessary for the realization of the key events of the project. The schedule is also a tool that can be used to estimate the required budget of the project and create a baseline for the project budget based on time.

The schedule is necessary for style, weighting the main parameters of the project such as cost, scope and content of work, quality, time, risks, etc. And it helps the project manager to decide between how and the order of project activities, to calculate the flexibility of the project execution time based on the available resources and to reduce the project risks, regarding the allocation of time for future events. It may happen, take action.

Recommended social network management package

This package is based on the suggested patterns of DigiDing for a small and medium business with medium SLA as follows. In other words, if you want to have a suitable service for yourself or your organization at a minimum cost, this package is the best offer.

  • Compilation of social networks strategy plan: 1 version
  • Compilation of naming policies for groups and channels and security settings: 7 networks
  • Implementation and implementation of social network management service (production, content management, publishing): 30 content
  • Social network management software: 1 version
  • Training of experts and service manager: 2 days
  • Consulting for continuous improvement, review and check of brand penetration: 1 month
  • The cost of this package: 20,000,000 Tomans per month

Additional details of this package

  • 25% will be added to the above amount in case of need for consultation, support and deployment of resident and resident personnel.
  • The cost of providing equipment related to storage technology systems and equipment as well as virtual server is the responsibility of the employer!
  • 25% of the base amount is calculated for the extension of future advice and support.
  • The cost of producing motion graphics and video teasers is separate.
  • Content means (images, vectors, content, articles, daily posts, newsletters, podcasts!)
  • The fee is for one language, and for another language, 25% is added to the above amount.
  • The license is to use the management dashboard tool for one organization (one server).

Monitoring the implementation and payment of expenses

The supervision of the project is the responsibility of the supervisor of the project executive and the employer’s representative, and they are obliged to implement the following clauses:

  1. Supervising the performance of work and obligations by the executive and the employer
  2. Verification of support provided by users
  3. Confirmation of support status up to 2 weeks after product delivery
  4. Calculating project delays by the executive and performing the necessary time and rial calculations within the project framework
  5. Collecting the opinions of all the employer’s agents and reflecting them to the executive and following up on the affairs and reforms

Schedule support based on SLA

  • Level 1 SLA: Requests are answered within 2 hours after registration and resolved within 8 hours, otherwise they are referred to level 2.
  • Level 2 SLA: A response would be given within 2 hours at most after referral, and it would be resolved within 8 hours, otherwise it would be referred to level 3.
  • Level 3 SLA: The request must be closed within 32 hours after referral, and finally it will be referred to level 4.
  • SLA Level 4: Forming a working group of representatives and managers of the organization and executive to investigate the reasons for not solving the problem

Technologies used

In providing support services, it should not be enough to solve the current problem. By equipping the employer’s organization with service management tools based on the international ITIL framework, a very special service should be provided with the aim of continuously improving the support services of the employer’s organization.

  • Design tools for all printed and graphic documents and profiles with In-design – Aftereffect – Photoshop – Illustrator
  • Live display of management charts and dashboards with API ServLet – Rest – J Query
  • Website production and design tools with CMS and exclusive WordPress – Drupal – Joomla
  • Production and design tools for online stores and Open Cart customer club – Magneto
  • Organizational portal production and design tools with Life Ray – Continent – SharePoint
  • Mobile application production and design tools with Android SDK – iOS
  • Powerful reporting tools Crystal Report – SQL SP

Exact cost estimation of social network management project

The final cost of implementing a social network service, if it is not based on the proposed plan of DigiDing , will be calculated based on the completed requirements of the employer in the questionnaire. Is.

The employer can make the best choice in the implementation of his ideas by obtaining free and specialized consultations from Ding Ding.

By signing a social network contract with Digi Ding, the employer can benefit from the quality of new services in such a way that it saves time and can manage its collection efficiently and avoid time-consuming problems.

The following items are highly effective in the final cost estimate:

  1. Specify the number of contents
  2. Determining the number of social network portals
  3. Determining the type of data storage solution
  4. Determining the amount of production data
  5. Integration of social networks with other services

DJ Ding experts are always ready to provide high-quality advice and provide user experience solutions to simplify processes and improve them in your organization.

Services that can be provided after the implementation of the project

DJ Ding will not leave you alone during or after the end of the support period. Our after-sales service includes things that will bring your satisfaction and satisfaction as a loyal customer:

Items related to after-sales service

  1. Providing brand penetration rate reports in the time frame and range of contacts
  2. Providing the complete project implementation document within one year
  3. Cooperation in installing and implementing new services
  4. Support and cooperation with the new executives of Kafarma
  5. Business infrastructure development
  6. Implementation of new information technology services
  7. Education

Obligations of the executive in the implementation of the project

Regardless of any specific condition in the project, the contractor is committed and responsible to the employer for any consequences caused by delays, poor performance, project violations and negligence.

In any case, the executive is responsible and committed to the actions and omissions of his employees and consultants in front of the employer.

The executor indemnifies the employer against any claims, damages, costs and expenses, including those raised by the executor’s employees and consultants or any third party related to the implementation of the project.

The obligations and responsibilities of the executive in the project are not limited under any circumstances based on evidence, information or advice made by any third party.

The executive considers all the information and documents received from the employer as confidential and has no right to disclose or transfer them to others without the permission of the employer.

The contractor undertakes to implement the project within the framework of the standards set by the employer.

During the implementation of the project, the executive and the employer can make a written agreement regarding the change in the method of operation with the standard or the parts that do not have the standard or criteria set and act based on the resulting agreement.

The contractor is required to prepare the project management plan and the project quality plan within three weeks after the implementation of the project and submit it to the employer and after obtaining the employer’s point of view, finalize it and approve the employer. Also, the executive is obliged to update and present the project control plan and verification and validation of that stage to the employer before starting each stage.

The executor is obliged to inform the employer about the actions taken and the progress and possible delays of the project, and if there is a delay, about the solutions provided to deal with that delay through monthly work progress reports.

The developer undertakes to provide support services for free during the warranty period of the project.

The operator is committed to guarantee the accuracy of the software’s performance in accordance with the service description and the scope defined in the specific conditions of the project.

Note: Support services will be provided in the form of a separate project based on a maximum of 20% of the project amount in the first year after the end of the free support period and in the following years according to the increase in the inflation rate.

Project risks

Considering that this project is one of the projects to strengthen and increase the popularity and strength of the business brand, there will not be much risk to the executive, the employer or the entire project, because a produced program is at the disposal of the employer, which in case of corporate and personal use, there is no risk from this. No one will notice it, but if the organization uses multiple operators in different time frames, the need for security and access levels and stability of the developed strategy in terms of redundancy of information, parallel work and in terms of damages and intrusion into information technology services in the second part of the work That is, digital marketing is one of the risks of this project. Regarding its performance after production, the following consequences are possible for which we have considered solutions.

Heavy cost: By carefully examining and determining the type of media and the target community, any unreasonable or disproportionate cost increase in content production, unnecessary networks, advertising and digital marketing campaigns and the use of guaranteed tools can greatly reduce costs.

Idea theft and copying: If the content and structural ideas of social networks are copied in any way, including text, images, logo, trademark, format and work pattern, service delivery structure, type and format, the moderator can check for illegal copying by checking the republishing of the content. And without mentioning the source, or legal matters before any work such as idea or format, it is legally registered to shorten the hand of abuse by profiteers and all the rights of the work remain permanent and defensible.

Unhealthy competition: No business is far from negative competition, but by presenting a consistent face and direct and close communication with contacts and customers, any possibility of brand destruction can be eliminated in the bud.

Why DJ Ding?

DJ Ding team is one of the most professional teams in the field of digital marketing and branding . New marketing and digital marketing and even information and communication technology are among the key specialties of DJ Ding experts. DigiDing includes various executive and specialized working groups in all related projects at the country level, and the existence of project management subcategories, such as: accurate documentation, phasing of the work routine, speed in responding and agility in providing services, are the most important indicators that you have when You can consider your choice.

dgding logo


In addition to the above, meeting the schedule is an integral part of providing our services. Our team cooperates according to the SLA or the service scheduling agreement and commits itself to complying with these schedules.

Suggested indicators for selecting an executive

  • Step-by-step documentation of project implementation
  • Providing and committing to comply with SLA
  • Agility and speed in providing services
  • Guarantee and warranty (after sales service)
  • Use of experienced people in the related field
  • Combining the beauty of work with the quality of execution
  • Creative and aesthetic visual and content design
  • Maintaining confidentiality and non-disclosure of organizational information
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