The site manager must be aware of the importance of high website speed and the role it plays in creating value for the website. But before I tell you the reason for this effect, let’s first know what is the speed of the site?

What is the site speed?

Site speed is measured based on 2 factors.

  1. The amount of time it takes to load information on a site page.
  2. The time it takes from the start of the browser request to the time of sending information and data from the server side.

From the audience’s point of view, the speed of the site is the time it takes for the complete page and information of the site to load after registering your request in the browser and pressing the enter button or clicking the mouse.

Site speed

Factors affecting speeds

Many factors affect website speed. The host and server you have chosen for your site, the graphic design and the type of site design , the update and optimization of the site all play an important role in the loading speed of the site.

The reason for the importance of website speed

Generally, the audience and user on the Internet are looking for information that they can get as quickly as possible. Any factor that makes the user reach the main content sooner is considered a bonus from Google. Generally , search engines give points to all the things that benefit the user. Therefore, the speed of the site is included in Google’s ranking list. It doesn’t matter how important the content of your site is or how attractive your site is. If the speed of your site is low, the audience will have to wait to check your content, it will only do one thing and that is to close your site page.

The loading time and speed of the site content is as important as the loading time of the site page. In order to get better results from your site and not to lose an audience, pay attention to increasing the speed of your site. By doing this, you will get a higher rank from Google and attract more audience. As a result, you will get more income and better results.

Important effects of speed on the website

Important effects of speed on the website

The importance of site speed can be analyzed and reviewed from different aspects. In the following, we will examine the 4 important effects of speed on the state of websites together.

1- Get Google ranking

One of the most important Google factors for ranking is the speed of your site. The slow speed of the site is beyond the patience of the user and is not in his favor. Because the user’s interest is very important to search engines, so you lose the point of increasing the Google ranking. On the other hand, you will not have an audience. In addition to all these things, a slow site speed will cause search engines to find fewer pages of your site. Therefore, it will have a negative impact on the process of indexing the site.

2- Bounce rate

Bounce rate is the average percentage of users who leave or return to the previous page before seeing the content of a website page .

The higher the number of these users, the higher the bounce rate. If the page of the site is loaded late or its content is loaded slowly, the audience will get bored and prefer to use this time to check other similar sites. In fact, you pave the way for your competitors by not taking the risk of site speed seriously.

Keep in mind that your site’s traffic is regularly checked by Google . The standard time for the return rate is about 5 seconds. That is, if the audience waits 5 seconds to see the content of one page of the site, Google will rank you lower.

3- The amount of traffic and visits

The speed of your site is part of the appeal of your website. In fact, the validity of a part of the site depends on the speed of the website. As I said, even if your content is useful, despite the slow speed of the site, the audience does not want to stay there and wait for the content to load. As a result, it closes the site. The more you work on increasing the speed of your site, the more willing people will search for your content and enter multiple pages of your site. Hence, site traffic increases. Increasing site traffic makes Google recognize you as a dynamic site and change your ranking position. As a result, the credibility of your site will be increased and all this will ultimately bring you more sales.

4- Website SEO

At the end of 2012, Google announced that the speed of the site is calculated as one of the factors affecting the SEO of the site. And along with the attractiveness of the content, it plays an important and key role in this regard.

SEO rules have been created with the aim of improving the conditions for better search by users, and any factor that makes the audience reach their goal faster has an impact on this scoring. If the speed of the site is low, the audience has missed all the interesting content of the site and prefers to use their time to check another site. As a result, customer satisfaction forms an important part of site SEO . Today, SEO experts believe that the speed of the site is as important as the use of keywords , link building and content creation in the quality of the site. A site needs to be visited more to be the best and to be in its true position. Every positive visit is a factor in attracting customers. One person’s satisfaction can lead to your introduction to others. As a result, you should not take this opportunity away.

Any contact who closes your page under the excuse of site speed, as if you have lost one or more customers. In addition, you will not be in your real position in the Google ranking. So be sure to take site speed seriously.

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