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The importance of link building in SEO

The importance of link building in SEO

The importance of link building or link building in the SEO campaign is quite clear for people working in the field of SEO. But the truth is that building links is not an easy task at all. Of course, the fact that link building is not easy does not mean that link building is rocket science! If you do the link building in a principled and correct way, it definitely requires a lot of work and activity. Linking in the wrong way may backfire and result in a Google penalty. In this post, I will discuss my ideas on getting more backlinks and link building from a holistic website SEO perspective.

What is the importance of link building in SEO?

First, let’s examine the importance of link building in SEO. Links help your site rank in four ways:

  • It adds credibility to the page receiving the link and improves search engine rankings.
  • It adds credibility and value to the domain receiving the link and allows the pages of that domain to improve their ranking to some extent.
  • Anchor text or link anchor text indicates the content of the website to the search engine and specifically the page receiving the link.
  • Users click on the links and as a result, so-called organic or direct traffic is created for the site.

The value of a link to the receiving page is determined in part by the topic of the page on which the link is placed. A link from a page on a similar topic to the page receiving the link will be worth more than a link from a page on a completely different topic. Also, a link from an article is worth much more than a link from a sidebar or footer. Of course, you should keep in mind that the more links on a page, the lower the value of each link on that page.

The infamy of link building

Link building has become somewhat infamous because excessive and unprincipled activities of getting backlinks from other sites to get higher rankings have led to the abuse of this issue. Some SEOs get links from sites that have nothing to do with their site, and of course, in some other cases, they also buy links from different sites.

With the increase of ambiguous links, search engines were gradually infected, and for this reason, Google began to impose fines on companies that had bought links or used links from unrelated websites (algorithm update) . Google Penguin was in this case .

This bad reputation of link building is due to the activity of companies that were a little too eager to do unrelated link building techniques and of course were penalized by Google. But does this mean that you should not do link building at all? of course not! Link building in itself is not a bad thing. If you do it right, you will reap all the benefits that link building has to offer.

Achieving communication in link building

Link building is an inclusive activity, or maybe it should be. This means that you have to reach out to different people and ask them to write about and link to your website. In my experience, you get better results if you personally write emails and press releases, make phone calls, and talk about your product to different people. And of course, don’t forget about social networks and don’t neglect its benefits. Platforms like Twitter have made it much easier to reach specific people and businesses. If the products and content of your site are good and of good quality, and meet the needs of your audience, naturally there will be people who are interested in writing about it. Most bloggers and journalists need content, so providing them with your own quality products will make them happy!

Do-follow vs no-follow links

Do-follow vs no-follow links

As mentioned above, backlinks can increase the value of your website and help you rank better for your content. But the value of all these links is not the same. Links are in two categories : do-follow and no-follow . Of course, for website users, these links are no different and they look like the same links. But in fact, the links are do-follow by default, but you can do it by placing a small code called attribute, which tells the bots of the engines. Search says don’t follow this link, create a no-follow link and stop the transfer of value and credibility of this link.

According to Google, no-follow links do not add any value or credibility to the website they are linked to. Therefore, to enjoy the full benefits of link building, you should look for do-follow links. SEO experts call this work “link juice”. But keep in mind that in link building, the presence of no-follow links to create natural links are very important from the point of view of search engines and reduce the dubiousness of your link building. Today, there is a common practice for site links where site administrators and webmasters do not follow all external links. But if you want someone to link to your website, it’s better to ask them to remove the ‘no-follow’ feature so that both of you can get some link value. But in any case, even if he doesn’t want to do this, getting a link can still be good for you. So don’t ignore any link related to the content of your site because you may not get credit from this link, but your site address is still placed on another site and this is useful and good for your branding and in some cases it may even Get some traffic to your site too. Even without this, there are many benefits to no-follow links.

Link building strategy

Comprehensive SEO means that you do everything you can to make your website the best it can be and ready to compete. For this purpose, you need to provide quality information to your audience, provide them with a great user experience, optimize the website for speed and do many other activities to rank yourself at the top of the competition. . If your website offers a great user experience like your products or services, it will be much easier to link to it. Because people are more likely to write about and link to a great site.

Your link building strategy should be structured as a normal marketing activity and not as a credit-getting ploy. Remember that the purpose of link building is to create a path that leads your audience to your site because ultimately they are the people who read your posts, subscribe to your newsletter, or buy your products. Ultimately, it will make your business model prosper.

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