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What is algorithm and flowchart?

What is algorithm and flowchart?

All of us, even those who have never programmed, know that computers and computer systems need a program to do anything. But programming doesn’t usually start with writing a program. Before writing the program , it is necessary to define step by step what the program should do, which is called step by step operation definition, algorithm design .

It can be said that those who know how to code, convert the algorithm into an executable program in computers.

Although all programmers are familiar with algorithm writing, and many algorithm experts know a little bit of programming; But at the specialized level, these two skills are far from each other. That is, algorithm designers get help from programmers to implement their algorithms, and programmers go to experts in this field to design or improve their algorithms.

Those who work in organizational environments can understand the concept of algorithm to a great extent by imagining business operational processes .

The process that a letter or document goes through from reaching the secretariat to classification, review, reference, action, and archiving is considered an algorithm in the mental model of programmers, with successive steps and with a clear definition and clear priority and delay starting from a starting point. and they end at some point and may be repeated tens, hundreds and thousands of times.

Students can probably understand and imagine the concept of algorithm well by reviewing the steps of multiplying two ten-digit numbers.

Algorithm concept

To better explain the concept of the algorithm, it is better to divide it into two parts ” pattern ” and ” rhythm ” and examine them separately.

The pattern is the model , and the model is a form of the reality of the phenomena that is formed in the mind, and for detailed analysis, we take them out of the abstract state by putting them on paper or drawing them in software.

Rhythm is the same process and the process is a set of regular steps to achieve and create a positive and specific output.

In simpler terms, in fact, to design and implement an algorithm, we need to build a model, which is realized in the form of a process. So it can be said that algorithms are process-oriented models for establishing order.

Many of our personal tasks have specific algorithms and predetermined routines. Sometimes, we unknowingly choose and use a certain algorithm.

But when the scale of activities and problems become larger, we feel the need for algorithms more than ever.

If you decide to stand next to four or five of your friends in order of height for a commemorative photo, you will probably be running an algorithm without consciously paying attention. But if a line of a hundred students is to be arranged in order of height, here we all feel that the algorithm should be defined clearly and precisely. We can even compare and classify several different algorithms for this purpose based on specific criteria.

If you are not familiar with the algorithm and its concept before, it might be a good idea to think a little about sorting the students in order of height and how you would do it if it were you.

In order to experience the complexities of algorithm design even in this simple example, you can consider the following two cases separately:

  • You want this done as quickly as possible.
  • You want the total distance students travel for this sort to be short.

In fact, between two different algorithms, you prefer the option that makes students less active overall.

The importance of the algorithm

Algorithm writing helps to determine the requirements of the problem and then analyze the problem. After analyzing the problem, it is time to design the algorithm, and finally the algorithm is implemented in the form of a flowchart and programming begins based on the specified operations.

In flowchart design, a geometric shape is used for each type of command. For example, an ellipse is used to start and end, and a parallelogram is used to display input and output data.

But in general, the algorithm becomes important for people other than programmers when they can get used to designing an algorithm with the mental model of a programmer for every decision they make or to solve every problem they face in life. Define some actions in order to solve a problem in life and then assign a number to each action and implement them in order. Using this mental model method helps people to make decisions or solve problems more easily and quickly and enjoy its benefits.

The importance of the algorithm

Algorithm display

Sometimes simple algorithms can be described step by step with few numbers. But when algorithms become more complex, flowcharts are used to display them.

Keep in mind that flowcharts are one of the well-known tools for displaying the structure of algorithms.

Naturally, those who are interested in programming sometimes use programming codes and symbolic programs to show the algorithm.

Symbolic programs are not written to run in a specific programming language, but are familiar and understandable to those who know programming .
Here you can see a few lines of a generic program or a symbolic program to display an algorithm:

M and N as Integer Variable
Get N from User
Loop For M from 1 to 100
If Division N < 10 Then N = Log (N)
Loop M Closed

Common algorithms

Algorithm training usually starts with sorting algorithms called Sorting.

The example that was mentioned at the beginning of this article to sort students according to height was of the same type.

But the world of technology has put a lot of algorithms around us that we usually use their results without paying attention to them.

For example, the algorithms used in search engines to find the best answers for users’ questions, or in a more general form, the recommender algorithms that we constantly use in many software, including social networks and digital retail stores such as Amazon and DigiKala, or That they use us.

Of course, encryption algorithms that try to increase the security of information exchange in communication networks or information compression algorithms that reduce the amount of data as much as possible are also considered to be in this category.

It is obvious that the subject of algorithm is a specialized knowledge, a corner of which can be devoted to the professional program of an expert’s entire life.

So, everything mentioned here was very basic points just to make the concept clearer for you.

In the end, if you are familiar with the discussion of algorithms, we would be happy to share with us other points that come to your mind.

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