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What is keyword strategy?

Keyword strategy

To get traffic, you need people willing to visit your site. To get them to visit your site, you need to know what they’re looking for, what words they’re using, and what kind of content matches their intent. In short, you need a keyword strategy. In this SEO basics article, we’ll take a brief look at what keyword strategy is and how it relates to keyword research.

What is a keyword strategy?

I recommend doing some keyword research to find out what terms to use. But keyword strategy is not a topic that can be obtained by research.

Keyword strategy is about how to target keywords now and in the future. This includes every decision you make based on your findings in your keyword research project, whether it’s about the content you want to write or how you want to track the results in Analytics.

Important points in developing a keyword strategy

Keyword strategy is formed when you look at yourself and your environment. If you want to make informed decisions about your keyword strategy, you need a different perspective. Start with a thorough review of yourself, your product, and your competitors.

Pay attention to yourself

A good keyword strategy starts with asking yourself the following questions:

  • What is your business and why?
  • What are your goals?
  • What is your unique feature in this world?
  • What is the message you want to send?
  • How is your branding?
  • Why would anyone want to visit your site?

Better insight leads to a better understanding of what you want to achieve. You protect your time and make sure you don’t focus on the wrong things.

Pay attention to the purpose of the search

After you’ve determined your uniqueness, it’s time to look at the search target. Search intent is the reason behind people searching and clicking on your Website .

So, ask yourself: Do you know your audience? Are people just looking for information on your site or do they also want to buy things? And are there ways you can target specific search goals with focused content to influence this?

Pay attention to the words used by your audience

By doing keyword research, you should get good insight into the words people are using to find what they are looking for. Next, make sure the content you’re writing (and that your audience is interested in) matches your users’ search intent and the language they’re using.

Pay attention to your competitors

Don’t forget to take a good look at your competitors! what do they do How much are they paying for the terms you want to target? What kind of content do they have? Are there ways to improve it? What are long tail keywords?

Pay attention to search engines

Of course, while you’re looking at your competitors, you often use search engines to see how they’re doing. Doing these types of searches can give you great insight into your competitors’ strategies . It also gives you a great sense of what you’ve found for your keyword. Are there niche segments you can target? Are there other types of rich results? Are there local targets?

In some markets, if you follow developments over time, you may see that search engines are increasingly returning answers that lead to no-click searches. Always be wary of search engines, but don’t obsess over every little update in search engine algorithms.

Pay attention to the data

Of course, data analysis plays a huge role in the success of your keyword strategy. Google Analytics provides valuable insight into your site’s performance both before and after. Even Google Search Console can give you plenty to think about and opportunities to pursue!

Keyword strategy

Keyword targeting

Regular review and analysis of data is critical to tracking SEO performance. But you can’t perform well without content designed specifically for your needs and strategy goals.

If you’ve gone through all the steps and done a thorough keyword research, you should have an idea of ​​what to target and how to do it. You can use these insights to create the content you need to succeed in your strategy and do many things, including:

  • Create functional landing pages
  • Create specific types of content for different search purposes
  • Create specific content for more prominent sections
  • Use voice search for your strategies
  • Create custom applications
  • Create specific types of videos you need
  • Create a variety of information and survey forms and data tables
  • Create whatever else suits your strategy

Many roads lead to Tehran, but some roads are more difficult than others. You can say that the highway is the fastest way to reach Tehran, but you may encounter traffic because everyone wants to take that route. Sometimes, it’s best to take the roads you rarely travel because the results may surprise you!

Keyword strategy update

Over the course of years (sometimes even months!), many things can cause sudden change in the online world. Maybe your users’ languages ​​have changed, or a new competitor is taking market share . Your keyword strategy should take these into account. So, regularly re-evaluate your keyword strategy and re- analyze and adjust them if necessary!

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