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What is the purpose of content production?

What is the purpose of content production?

The purpose of content production can be marketing, providing a training course or any other topic that is done by text and electronic content producers.

In general, our goal of creating content is to convey our unique message to our audience and earn money by creating content or doing personal branding.

The first form of content production is what many of us have experienced in social networks , that is, content production in a completely personal way without commercial and economic motives.

Many personal and family accounts in social networks, as well as a significant number of blogs, are included in this group.

The purpose of this type of content production is usually to express ourselves and our concerns.

These produced and published materials may become our diary or our personal album or a space to record thoughts and ideas.

It is clear that terms such as content marketing and content strategy will not have much meaning here, and a specific framework and standard cannot be imposed on these types of activities.


Content production for organizational purposes

Another application of content production can be content production for internal consumption in an organization or business.

The following are examples of this form of content production:

  • Production of a training video file for new employees of the organization
  • Generating reports on the status of activities and projects
  • Production of a training booklet to provide information on the requirements for the establishment of one of the ISO systems
  • Setting up circulars and regulations to be communicated to employees
  • Preparation of internal bulletin

Those who are experts in the field of content management and policy for these types of systems are called Enterprise Content Management or ECM experts.

An important feature of ECM is that it usually benefits from organizational process support as well as top management support. Therefore, many common concerns in content marketing and content strategy do not make sense here, or at least, are less important.

The following are among the topics and specializations that are considered in ECM:

  • Content design and architecture
  • Content quality indicators
  • Storage and maintenance and classification of content
  • content analysis
  • Legal issues in the field of presenting and publishing content
  • Measuring the effectiveness of content
  • Define different access levels for different people in the collection
  • Content risk management
  • Creating a relationship between the content system and other organizational processes
  • Update content
  • Documentation patterns

It is not necessary to go into the details of each of the above. It is only important to remember that the space of content production for the organization is different from what usually comes to mind when we hear the terms content strategy and content marketing , and it is considered a separate specialty and of course very valuable and expensive.

Content production as a project

This goal is probably one of the first things that comes to your mind after hearing the term content marketing.

The following examples are examples of this way of using content:

  • Creating content with the aim of introducing a business that has just been launched
  • Creating content to increase sales of a specific product
  • Creating content to change or explain the identity of a brand
  • Creating content with the aim of attracting new customers for a business
  • Creating content to promote and help sell your newly published book

Those who work in this field of content production usually describe their expertise with the term content marketing . The most important feature of content marketing is that it is defined as project-oriented.

Consider these examples:

Sales campaign

You may define a winter sales campaign and ask a content marketing specialist to accompany you during the winter or even just in the first month of winter or two weeks before winter and design and implement parts of your campaign.

Introducing a new business

Your business has just started and your potential customers don’t know about you yet. A content marketing specialist can use all the content tools and introduce the business and attract customers in the first months of activity. After some time when the business found its prosperity, you will continue your work and the content marketing specialist will move on to his next project.

Content production as an operational activity

Content production as an operational activity

Sometimes, content creation turns from a project activity to an operational activity. An activity that does not have a specific beginning and end and is considered as one of the permanent processes alongside the business or as the core of the business.

Operational activity alongside business

Below we examine some of the operational activities that go along with the business.

  • A restaurant that, in addition to its physical activity, also has an Instagram account and constantly updates it.
  • A charitable group that regularly and continuously publishes a publication in physical or digital form to inform about its activities.
  • A family counselor who has a website or a Telegram channel or an Instagram account and maintains it permanently alongside his work and uses them to communicate with his audience.

Operational activity as the focus of business

Below we examine together some of the operational activities that are known as core business.

  • A site that provides educational content
  • A radio or television network
  • A newspaper, weekly or monthly magazine
  • A site that publishes various content and after increasing the number of audiences, plans to earn money through advertising.

As you can see, in the second group, content production is not a business aid, but the essence of business.

However, in both groups, there is a common feature, and that feature is that content creation is not a project and is being implemented as a continuous operational activity.

In such a situation, it seems more logical to talk about content strategy . Because almost all the concepts that are mentioned in the strategy are also applicable here.

The following are just a few examples of concepts that can be discussed and considered in content strategy :

  • Defining long-term goals, mission and vision
  • resource allocation
  • Designing tactical actions such as campaigns
  • Audience community management
  • Content management throughout its life cycle
  • Republishing and rebuilding content

Again, I emphasize that this type of separation and classification is completely tasteful and there is no consensus in this field among content field activists.

But experience has shown that if the producers and policy makers of the content field classify the activities of this field in one of the above categories and look at their expertise and activities with this lens, they can better make decisions in the field of their educational needs and try to develop their skills. .

In the end, I must say that goal setting is one of the most important things that is needed on the way to achieving the goal and progress and development, and content production is no exception to this rule. So get started and set your goals for creating content that is going to make you successful.

We will be happy if you share your goals with us and we will do our best to help you achieve your goals.

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