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4 guaranteed ways to increase site click rate

4 guaranteed ways to increase site click rate

Click Through Rate or CTR, which in Farsi is the best translation for that click rate, is a measurement parameter that we will continue to examine the methods of increasing the site’s click rate.

Every time we do a search, 10 of the best sites according to Google are listed on the first page of the results. How many times have you clicked on all 10 results? I think very little. So, until now, have the two concepts of being seen in the results and clicking on the results.

Definition of click rate

Click-through rate is the rate at which a link is displayed to users and the number of times users click on that link.

For example, if you search the term “SEO site training” and 10 links are shown to you, one Impression is included for each of these sites. It means they get one visit. Now, if 10 people search for the same phrase and 6 of them click on link 1, the site’s click-through rate for that keyword is 60%.

Click rate is an important parameter in SEO that directly affects the ranking of sites.

The number of times users click on a link divided by the number of times users see the link. The obtained number is multiplied by 100 and the result is expressed as a percentage. The following formula is used to calculate CTR:


Calculate the click rate

Suppose we have a shoe store next to the main street. Every morning when the store opens, 3 groups of people visit us until night.

The first group: Every day they leave without even giving us half a glance. These people do not look at our shop at all.

So the first group is like those who don’t find us at all in the search results.

The second group: There are people who see us when they pass. For example, they check the showcase and look at some models. But they did not enter the shop and do not buy.

This group evokes the meaning of Impression. It means that they search on Google and see our site in the results. But they don’t click on our link.

Impression is the number of times the link has been viewed by the user.

The third group: People who not only see our store and check the window, but also enter the store and make a purchase. What we have been looking for since the beginning of the business. In SEO, this group has the authority to click and enter our site.

Now suppose that ten thousand people pass by the sidewalk of the shop every day and a thousand of them look at our showcase. But only a hundred people buy. We don’t expect all the people who saw the shop to buy.

If we have a statistical tool that shows how many visitors turned into buyers, this tool is the CTR.

The right number for the click rate

There is no definite number. This rate depends on many parameters. To clarify this issue, pay attention to the following 2 items:

Where are you in the search results?

Your position has a direct effect on increasing the click rate. The site that ranks 1st in Google is seen and clicked much more than the site that is on the second page. The first 3 Google links capture nearly 80% of clicks. So if we do not have a good position in the results, it will be difficult to get clicks.

What field do you operate in and how are your competitors doing?

If your competitors are valid and reliable sites, the chances of clicking on your link will decrease. People and even Google itself respect old and veteran sites. If you have competitors who have been operating for a long time and are popular among people, it may be challenging for you to compete with them. So, in general, you can expect a number between 1% and even 70 or 80% according to the influence items explained.

The right number for the click rate

Methods of increasing site click rate

In the following, we will examine 4 guaranteed ways to increase the site’s click rate:

1- Writing a special and attractive title

Try to use catchy titles. In the search results, the title of the page is the first thing that the user sees, and do not doubt that the user will not skip an interesting title easily. Keep a few points in mind in the title of the site.

  • Nothing is boring like repetition. Avoid repetitive and soulless titles
  • Words like the most, the least, the best, the worst, the only, etc. have a great psychological impact and encourage the user to click.
  • The use of numbers is significant for users. Like the best SEO techniques in 2018 or 12 techniques to increase site speed

2- Using meta description or description tag

Previously, in the post on the basic concepts of SEO and the concept and reasons for the importance of SEO, I said what meta tags do. After the catchy title you have chosen, you should write a short description about your page. Of course, keep in mind that there is no obligation to write it. If you do not write, the search engine will select a part of the text and this text will be shown below the title in a smaller font in the search results. Try to write this text in such a way that if the user reads this section, he will want to click.

3- Use of schema markup marks

A schema is a set of markup that makes a site easier for search engines to understand . For example, on the results page, below the site description, you may have seen a star rating system. This is a Schema. Schema Markup does not directly affect SEO, but using this technique makes you stand out from other links and increases the click-through rate.

4- Long-term plan for branding

When you are a brand, subconsciously people like to choose you. Which one should you choose between Digikala and XYZ? Of course, DigiKala will make you feel better and if you have to choose, you will most likely choose this site. Big companies attach great importance to their brand and plan to promote their name. When you become an authentic and reliable brand , you attract more clicks. Of course, reaching this position and becoming a brand in this busy web world is not an easy task, but be sure that if you go ahead with the plan, one day your brand will shine among the famous brands.

Ads click rate

Click rate or CTR, which is not only for search engines . Wherever we can divide the number of clicks by the number of displays, it means that we have succeeded in calculating the click rate. Advertising as an old way to show the brand is popular all over the world. With the help of CTR , they calculate the success rate and clicks of an advertising campaign .

It may be interesting to know that the average click rate of advertisements is close to 0.05. That means, out of every 10,000 views, only 5 clicks are given to the owners of the ad. Of course, keep this in mind, according to the type, method and strategy of advertising , this number may be higher or lower, and this statistic is only an estimate of the overall average regarding the effectiveness of advertising .

Email click rate

Email marketing has been a favorite of webmasters for a long time and I think it still is. Maybe some people consider email marketing as a traditional and outdated method, but I don’t agree. Smart brands still know how to attract traffic and make sales with the help of email. In email marketing campaigns, the click rate is very important and it informs the advertiser how many emails are opened. Having a CTR helps us send emails that entice the user to click.

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