The purpose of designing an educational website is to provide educational services in various scientific, artistic, educational, technical and professional fields. Is. The audience of these sites is generally different according to the topics of the site.

Educational site design has a special place these days among other sites. In fact, it is an effective solution for providing educational services in a modern way. The use of educational sites has been welcomed by many educational centers. These sites are an important factor for saving the side costs of schools. On the other hand, they are considered a type of digital marketing for the respective centers. Because many people these days are looking for schools in the world of the Internet and check their history through their sites and their services, and of course scholars also welcome these sites because they can use all educational services with less restrictions. Use that site.

The purpose of designing an educational website

The purpose of designing an educational website is clear from its name. These sites are designed with the aim of providing educational services in various scientific, artistic and skill fields.

Of course, in general, the purpose of any type of educational site is determined by its subject matter. For example, due to the breadth of the educational level, a site can provide specialized training only on a specific topic. Like a specialized guitar training site. or a comprehensive and professional educational website or like the educational website of an educational institution.

SEO in educational website design

SEO is very important in website design . In the competition between educational sites, it is always more successful to have a higher ranking in search engines . Unconscious people pay more attention to these sites. So, in the first step, its search engine SEO should be very good.

Once you get an audience, you have to keep it. but how? After trusting, the contacts will definitely check your site first. It is very important that the speed of the site is high and does not delay the audience. Especially scholars because they give special importance to time. Different parts of the site should be clear and not confuse the user. Standardize and optimize your site infrastructure based on technical SEO rules . This standardization increases the trust of the audience and keeps them in your online school.

But what turns a scholar into a customer is your content. Your content should be full of educational content that your audience needs. In fact, the main need of the audience is the content that you produce. Content SEO and optimization of the content you have uploaded is an important factor in attracting audience, site traffic, increasing click rate and conversion rate.

Types of educational methods on educational sites

Generally, educational sites are implemented in three ways:

Holding online classes and courses

In these courses, scholars become members of the site and pay to participate in online classes. The time of online classes is specified and announced. Online classes are held virtually and live. People from anywhere can log in online at that time and use the class. Some educational and entrance exam sites use this process.

Holding offline training courses

In these courses, educational content in the form of photos, videos, text, audio, etc. Uploaded to the site. Scholars who are members of the site can use the educational materials whenever they want. Many educational sites prefer this process.

 A combination of online and offline courses

In addition to educational content, these sites also have some virtual and online classes in their schedule.

The main audience of educational website design

Educational institutions, entrance exam class institutions, language schools, art workshops, technical and skill workshops, schools and universities are among the groups that have a desire to design an educational website. Recently, many sports clubs and kindergartens have also turned to educational website design. The audience of these sites are students and scholars who have a high desire to learn.

One of the useful features of the Internet world is its extraordinary flexibility. Designing an educational site can be an opportunity for people to learn and train. With the wide platform that the Internet has provided in this field, you can teach anything to people and get training along with it.

educational website

Educational site design features

An educational site should have an attractive appearance and graphics, and its comprehensive and useful educational content should be simple and easy to use. Powerful SEO, content management and planning and, of course, holding online tests are among the facilities that should be considered in designing an educational website.

Sale of training packages, categorized and specific trainings, discussion forum, training consultations, advanced search, the possibility of polling and seeing the opinions of other users, notification system and many other key facilities, some of which we will explain below. They are among the important points that should be considered in the design of the educational site.

The design of the educational site, like other sites, has certain rules and regulations that failure to comply with can lead to its failure. So take these points seriously:

1- The purpose of the site

The purpose of the site is very important and defines its identity. Before designing an educational website, you should know exactly what you want to teach? Who is your audience? And how do you want to make money from your site?

Your goal will determine your site’s format . It defines the style of content production. Design style, content production, divisions are all planned based on your goal.

2- Application management

The design of the educational site is a little different from the design of other sites. Because the type of content segmentation is very different and of course more specialized. Knowing this, its structure should be in such a way that you can easily manage and control it . As a site administrator, you may not know about programming . But the designer should implement the design of your site in such a way that you can easily manage it and load or check different information in different sections.

3- SEO and optimization

You should pay attention to design and optimize the design of the educational site based on standard algorithms of search enginesSEO and site optimization introduce you to others as an authentic and reliable educational resource. And this will increase the number of people who enter your site and check its content.

4- Flexibility

Education and school sites must be designed and implemented in a way that is completely appropriate to the user’s needs and meet all the user’s needs depending on the purpose for which they are designed. On the other hand, educational sites should also have the feature to provide the possibility of adding new parts easily depending on the future needs of the collection. For example, adding a new language to the site or other features.

5- Responsive design

Responsive design is one of the most important points that must be observed in all sites, especially educational sites. Because if the educational site is not compatible with all screens, many scholars will not have access to the educational content they need. As a result, membership in your site is considered unimportant and they leave it immediately. Do not forget that your audience uses different devices. You have to respect their different possibilities.

6- Useful and efficient content

Your site is an educational site. So its content should have an educational aspect. How you turn information into content and present it is very important. Attractiveness is an important condition in content creation . A content may be very important and significant, but due to the lack of attractiveness, the audience does not want to check and follow it. As a result, he loses it without knowing it. Avoid exaggeration in your content. Audiences generally don’t have the patience for additional and off-topic explanations. Try to use more visual content and video content.

If your site is related to an academic space, the sections of its different faculties should be clearly separated so that access is easier for students.

If your site is music and art education, preferably use more video files.

7- Shareable content

One of the solutions that make the audience trust you and your goal more is to give them the option to save, download and share information files.

8- Security

Take the security of your educational site seriously. Many hackers can hack your site and abuse you and your audience through it. Or steal your content. Some hackers steal the financial information of the site and contacts who are members of the site.

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