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Digital marketing and its 7 important features

Digital marketing and its 7 important features

The term digital marketing or digital marketing has been used since two decades ago as a subset of marketing management and advertising management .

However, due to the development of information technology in recent years, the increase in the average online time of users, the widespread use of mobile phones and the increase in the penetration rate of the Internet in the world, today it is considered as an independent knowledge and expertise.

These days, most large organizations have dedicated units to digital marketing. Many small businesses also devote a significant portion of their small cash flow to digital marketing.

Definition of digital marketing

There is no consensus about the meaning of digital marketing. Different people use the term digital marketing in different ways.

The thing is that many people who go to digital marketing are not familiar with a large part of the advantages and strengths of digital marketing. They have simply gone along with what they think is the trend of the day. Once upon a time, the throne was at the disposal of environmental advertising and everyone was interested in filling the city with their billboards, now everyone’s concern is to have busy and popular accounts in social networks and in different ways, from holding contests to allocating funds for influencer marketing. , they are trying to make their voice heard among the crowd of online space.

For such people, the mobile screen is the billboard; A little smaller but much cheaper.

Text messages are the same tracts that were forced through the doors of people’s houses. Just a little softer and cheaper.

If we want to speak very precisely, a significant part of the activities that we see today under the name of digital marketing is the same traditional advertising that was done only on the digital platform. The name has changed, without changing the custom.

The concept of digital marketing

The concept of digital marketing

In general, it can be said that anything done in marketing is part of digital marketing if it is done with digital tools. But it is important to pay attention to the fact that if we go to digital marketing tools relying on traditional mentality, our achievements will remain at the same level as traditional achievements.

So keep in mind that it is not possible to use the maximum capacity of the digital space with a traditional mindset.

To provide a proper definition of digital marketing, there is an approach based on which the tasks of a marketing expert are examined and the same tasks are described using digital tools.

But this is not the only approach available to define the concept of digital marketing. Another approach is to understand digital marketing as a collection of tools and techniques. Many digital marketing training sites, including the HubSpot site , which is considered one of the most reliable sites in the field of digital marketing and content strategy , use this approach.

In this approach, instead of trying to talk about the meaning of digital marketing, it is enough to list digital marketing tools and techniques. Then we can say that digital marketing means all these tools and what is done with these tools.

With this method, we can say that digital marketing means mastering a set of tools and techniques; From SEO and email marketing, to content strategy and using social media, from click ads and mobile marketing, to content creation and affiliate marketing in the digital space.

So, in short, it can be said that digital marketing includes all the tools and activities that are used to market products and services; Provided that these activities are carried out only on the digital platform, i.e. web, internet, mobile, augmented reality, virtual reality, etc.

Digital marketing tools

The following are examples of digital marketing tools that a digital marketer is expected to master:

It is important to note that there are currently overlaps in the above list. But because this list is used in many books and official references in the same way, so I also used the common list in the category of digital marketing tools .

Features of digital marketing

Features of digital marketing

In the following, I will mention some of the features of digital marketing that have made this subject find a unique place in marketing and advertising . The purpose of listing these is to point out the buts and ifs that come with each of these features because forgetting these stipulations can turn us into traditional users of modern tools. And certainly none of us want to be an example of this description.

1- Affordable

Almost all digital marketing functions are cheaper than their traditional equivalent.

For example, think of customer surveys. Suppose you are going to ask all the customers who bought your product in the last three months how satisfied they were with the product? The digital space provides you with many different tools for this work. For example, you can send an SMS and invite your customers to express their satisfaction by replying to your SMS. Or for more serious surveys and more complex products, ask them to fill out an online form on your site under the product page or on other sites that offer such a service.

If the scale of your activity allows, compare this with sending a paper survey form to customers or by calling and talking to individual customers. Naturally, you will find that the implementation cost will be much higher.

A similar comparison can be made in the field of advertising . If you want to fill the city with billboards in such a way that you are sure that a million people will see it, it will cost you more than if you want to show a banner advertisement to a million people.

Keep in mind that digital marketing is more economical, but when we talk about the cost-effectiveness of digital marketing, we need to pay attention to four things:

The first point is that all digital marketing tools do not stay cheap forever. The price of these tools depends on supply and demand, and when the demand for digital marketing services increases, it is natural that the suppliers increase their prices.

The amazing prices that some Instagram influencers charge for a story, as well as the increasing cost per click in click ads, are a sign of this trend.

The second point is that the digital space has become very crowded and every day the share of attention that each digital media receives decreases; From a website to an account on Instagram or a channel on Telegram. The reason is that the amount of content offered in the digital space is increasing every day, but the population of the world is not increasing in the same proportion.

The third point is that the walls of entering the digital world are shorter. Therefore, a large part of the digital marketing industry is in the hands of amateurs. You’re never sure if the person who closes an advertising campaign or the group who designs your market research program or the person who designs a gamification program for you or starts a customer club is a professional or not.

It is also important to note that the variety of techniques and methods is so great that success in previous projects simply cannot be a predictor of success in subsequent projects. So, you inevitably have to go through a learning curve along the way. The cost of trial and error makes digital marketing projects more expensive than they seem at first glance.

The fourth point is that many digital marketing activities, if they are to be done with the right quality, the cost of their implementation will be much more expensive than what it seems at first glance. SEO can be a good example here. Optimizing your site for search engines seems like a cheap job. And usually, the only thing that comes up as the weakness of this method is that it gives a delayed response and you have to have enough patience. Meanwhile, in practice, SEO requires a constant and planned effort. As soon as you stop working on SEO, you will gradually see a large part of your rankings disappear.

Therefore, using SEO services requires both a permanent expert and a permanent department or outsourcing with a permanent contract, and after a while, while being satisfied with investing in SEO, you come to the conclusion that this work was more expensive than what it seemed at first glance. Is.

2- Digital access

Another issue that is raised about the importance of digital marketing is that many digital marketing tools allow us to communicate with customers through mobile phones.

For several years, people’s access to mobile phones is apparently even easier than access to water. And we also know that one of the most anxious things for many people is to be away from their mobile phones. This issue is so serious that we see and read the term nomophobia or the phobia of being away from mobile phones in many studies and researches.

For many people, the mobile phone has become a separate brain and they find it difficult to separate it from themselves. In such a situation, digital marketing allows us to reach customers through mobile phones. Send them our messages. When they go to social networks , introduce our products to them and when they ask their questions from search engines , appear before their eyes and ask them to install our application on their mobile phones.

Mobile access is one of the amazing and unique features of digital marketing. It is enough to see even a little of our country’s radio and television programs, which are managed very conservatively and usually do not directly mention social networks, to better understand the position of mobile phones. Without making any reference to a specific platform or page, presenters often ask the audience to join the program’s virtual pages. Also, under the pretext of various prizes and lotteries, they ask the viewer to send them an SMS so that they have his mobile number.

This phenomenon in the history of media is not small at all. The fact that television, the undisputed ruler of the media world in the last century, is turning to mobile phones to keep itself alive, and the producers of radio and television programs are trying to move or say something next to their programs that will attract the attention of online users and their clips will go viral. to be

Remember that digital marketing means mobile access, but in a heavy and tight competition. Mobile access is very good and valuable.

But it is also important that you are not the only one who has come to this conclusion. Many businesses have and are moving towards mobile marketing. So you are facing a heavy competition there as well. Users look for the easiest excuses to stop app notifications or block your phone number.

About a quarter of the applications that are installed on mobile phones are only run once and the rest are either deleted or forgotten in the competition with other applications. Therefore, we can say that digital marketing means mobile access; But not simple, quick and cheap access.

A mistake in mobile marketing can damage your brand image and branding activities. As an example, consider a luxury brand that previously claimed a special position and showed itself to be out of reach, but now that it has come to the digital marketing strategy , it has implemented campaigns for promotion and customers to buy. Invites with discount or participation in his festivals. We know that almost any form of messaging can eventually add some sales, and that’s why business managers are encouraged to repeat the campaign. In the short term, everything is fine. But in the long run, the brand’s position is approaching that of many in-access businesses that are constantly sending out SMS ads, from waxing and hair transplants to dissertation writing and immigration assistance, and it’s losing its sense of luxury. The effect of this mistake can be seen in the long term and it will not be easy to compensate.

3- Easy tracking

Using digital marketing, you can track a large part of the activities of customers and users; Either when they are not our customers yet or during the purchase and after.

We can get reliable information from those who have seen our ads . Or those who have read our product introduction page. It is possible to get an email address from each person who wants to download our product brochure. It is possible to send a reminder email to those who have received an email from us and have not opened it after two weeks, and the difference between those who opened the email and did not respond to those who basically did not open the email is also clear. Send a survey letter home to a customer, you never know if the customer opens it and doesn’t reply, or throws the envelope away unopened.

Digital marketing tools help us see what the network of people who do word-of-mouth advertising for us is like and what its structure is. Because we can give each of our customers and users a special invitation code to give as a gift to their friends.

Digital marketing tools can even help us know the unfinished purchases or even the future purchase plans of customers to some extent, because it is very convenient with the help of the list of future orders or WishList that is set on sites such as Digikala, Amazon, etc.

All this data is valuable and can help us make better decisions for our business. It cannot be said that none of these things are possible in the physical world. But undoubtedly, there are many activities such as tracking and checking customer behavior that can only be tracked and checked with digital tools.

Keep in mind that tracking is easier in digital marketing, but we need to focus on integrating systems and activities. When our website operates independently and one person is responsible for our Instagram and Twitter account, and based on his own taste and judgment, he works completely independently, and in the direct section, he responds to other people’s messages without any permanent and efficient connection and communication with the rest of the system. And occasionally we do totally blind ads, naturally we won’t have the tracking power. As a simple example, compare these two cases. In the first case, we give a discount code to an influencer and after advertising, we record the statistics of the use of the discount code and the name of the buyer and the type and amount of the purchase. In the second case, the influencer tells his audience that he has a financial relationship with us . Many people ask me where you dye your hair. I go to the hall. In this case, we have used a digital platform, but our achievement is similar to traditional advertising. Because we don’t have a reliable way to track it.

The possibility of tracking can provide us with a large amount of data related to customer characteristics and behavior. But this is not enough. There are many businesses that store data and ultimately make decisions that are purely individual and tasteful, or intuitive. We often hear the marketing manager or the CEO say, I feel like this method… didn’t work, or based on my experience, I think the best thing to do for sales is…

When we talk about intuition and experience, we have de-prioritized being data-driven. Therefore, if we do not have the expertise of data-driven marketing and data-driven decision-making, collecting data not only does not help us, but sometimes it becomes costly. Because the establishment of data collection systems is costly and some data collection activities can slow down the process or tire the customer. For example, if the customer’s age is not used in decision-making , asking the customer’s age is an additional step and slows down the registration process.

Digital marketing

4- Quick execution and implementation

Let’s say that today in the advertising meeting, you decide to do extensive environmental advertising. Or produce and broadcast some TV teasers. How long does it take from the moment of decision to the time of implementation? In the most optimistic case, a few weeks, and in the normal case, a few months.

But if you decide to do extensive banner ads on sites or ask a few influencers to advertise for you, how much time will you need? Usually less than the first case.

Similarly, if you want to ask the opinion of some of your previous customers about a product that you have not yet released, how much time will it take to use traditional methods such as phone calls, interviews with customers who visit the store, etc.? What will be the speed of doing the same thing with digital tools such as e-mail, SMS, survey of site visitors, etc.? Here too, the work is usually done faster than in the first case.

Another example is the use of A/B testing. Even assuming that it is possible to implement A/B testing in the traditional space, we know that it will be very slow and time-consuming.

Citing such examples, they usually emphasize that one of the strengths of digital marketing, which gives it a special place, is the short time interval from idea to implementation .

Keep in mind that execution is faster in digital marketing, but if you’re dealing with people and companies outside of your team and organization, they can still be your bottleneck. If you’re going to outsource content creation , or have market research done by a team outside of your own portfolio, even with your tools and through your channels and platforms, you’ll still have to put up with slowness. Submitting the request, negotiating the terms, suggestions for corrections and all the common problems in outsourcing a project will be with you and will not leave your lap.

You experience agility when you want to do something on a small and medium scale. Big works still have their own slowness. Let’s say you want to run a campaign that will reach 200 million views in a month. This number is quite normal in advertising for a community of thirty million to see your message six or seven times in a month, but websites, Telegram channels, Instagram influencers and other types of digital media have their own schedules. They can’t run your ad program right away. In addition, the campaign must be limited in time. So you should try to synchronize all the channels together. For this, you have to define the time of the campaign so far that all the media can provide you with their advertising platform. In this case, the speed advantage may not be noticeable.

Digital marketing activities may be quick to execute, but not necessarily quick to design. Designing a professional campaign , designing a promotion plan and planning for an A/B test can be very time-consuming. Even designing a customer survey questionnaire can take months. Of course, this is only if you actually want to use the results. Otherwise, there are many businesses that run different marketing programs every day. But their activities and programs are not very effective due to their poor, unprofessional and unscientific design.

5- Location flexibility

Location flexibility is used and useful in almost all marketing sub-disciplines; From conversation with customers and market research, to advertising and customer club management.

Most market research projects are limited to specific geographic areas. Because market research in a wide geographical area is very expensive. We often hear marketing managers say that we launched product M in the north or south of city D for the time being to see what people’s feedback is. There are still geo-restrictions on some products that are purely physical. But in many products, digital marketing can free market research from geography.

A company that sells insurance services, travel agencies, sellers of many art products, suppliers of home appliances and suppliers of spare and consumable parts for industrial machinery can easily measure and investigate the product market in a wide geographical area with a variety of digital tools.

What we said was an example of geographic flexibility only in the field of market research. Other sub-branches of marketing also benefit from geographic flexibility.
Geography can limit many ad programs. Suppose you have produced a cosmetic or health product.

You cannot install billboards in all parts of the city with a reasonable and limited budget. Even if you do this, you won’t be able to advertise in all cities. Ambient advertising campaigns are limited to specific areas.

But simply with digital tools, you can inform a large part of the people of the country that you have started working. They hear your brand name and are ready to buy it. They may even buy it remotely by ordering online.

Of course, the challenges of logistics and delivering the product to distant customers still remain. But the challenges of informing and delivering messages to distant customers in the digital space fade to a great extent.

Keep in mind that location flexibility is greater in digital marketing, but this flexibility can change the meaning of numbers and indicators or even mislead us. Consider an influencer who has a hundred thousand followers from different parts of the country and a local cafe or a clothing store uses him for advertising. 80% or even 90% of his audience may be in other cities and are not considered customers of that cafe or mason. However, the advertisement rate is calculated and paid based on factors such as visibility and follower growth. While another influencer with ten thousand local followers may have a better output.
Communication access does not mean operational access. Sometimes, businesses expand their target market by freeing themselves from geography. But different parts of their business do not have enough power for operational support. You may be able to attract a customer from a distant point and sell your product to him. But can you deliver the product to him with precision and quality and provide the required services? The product that is sent by courier or post must finally reach the customer safely, and if this is not the case, it will be a very bad experience for the customer. Also, if you send a wrong product, you must be able to afford the cost of replacing it. Customer experience management is complex, multifaceted, and costly, and if you can’t do it across a wide territory, it’s in your best interest to avoid the temptation of geographic flexibility.

6- Time flexibility

Consider these examples:

For many years, in good restaurants, after eating, customers are asked about the quality of the food, and sometimes they give a paper survey and evaluation form to the customer and ask him to record his opinion in an official form. The same thing is done in flights and passengers are asked about their experience.

Some of the passengers, at that time, do not have time or patience to fill these forms and do not register their opinion.

But polls that are conducted by SMS or questions that are asked to users within the application, are more likely to be answered. Because the time period for answering them is longer and sometimes it is possible to give an opinion after a few days.

Consider a film producer who wants to introduce his film with environmental advertising and as one of the options, he goes for advertising on highway billboards. Billboards are seen the most during the hours when people are anxious for fear of being late for work or in the evening in traffic, they are tired and nervous and all kinds of problems are accumulated in their minds.

The same producer, when he places his ad in a banner before the entertaining videos of Aparat or YouTube, or at the right time that he has determined by testing and measuring and sends it by SMS, is most likely to receive a positive response.

For years, we have seen and see that in many stores and shopping centers, there are tables for the customer club and they encourage and invite customers to register their information there.

Then a subscription code or subscription card is issued, and the customer can use benefits such as discounts or participation in the lottery.

Compare this method with the modern methods of implementing customer service, where you only call a number at the moment of purchase and the rest is done later by SMS or phone call; When you are comfortable and prefer.

So it can be said that basically traditional media impose time on businesses. It doesn’t matter if you want your TV ad to air in the morning or at night. If the popular program is night TV, you should also advertise at night. simply.

Time flexibility is one of the valuable opportunities that digital marketing provides to businesses. This flexibility, if used intelligently, can increase the conversion rate and effectiveness while reducing the pressure on the customer and facilitating the implementation of processes.

Keep in mind that time flexibility is greater in digital marketing, but reaching customers at all hours can become a nuisance and damage the brand. Too many application notifications at inappropriate times and sending SMS for hours can be annoying and destroy the brand image in the mind of the customer.

Time flexibility is a two-way relationship. As much as you have access to the customer in a wider range, the customer also expects to have access to you in a wider time frame. When a business sends its advertising message to customers outside of office hours, the expectation is created for the customer to be able to follow up on their work during those hours. You can’t send your SMS to the customer at 19:00 pm and when the customer calls to follow up on his product failure, say that our service hours are only until 16:00.

Time flexibility, like many advantages of digital marketing, makes sense when it is data-driven. If you examine the behavior of customers at different hours, you can find the optimal time slots for different activities. If such work is not done accurately and professionally, time flexibility cannot become a serious opportunity and advantage. The traditional shopkeeper would tell the customer to come again when leaving the shop. The digital marketer can choose to say this an hour later, a day later, a month later, or even a year later. He can also send a message blindly and without an account every time on a birthday or wedding anniversary and say why don’t you come?

Therefore, if a detailed study is not done and we do not know the difference in the effectiveness of these options, it is not important if they were or were not.

Digital marketing is a multimedia tool

7- Multimedia tool

Compared to traditional marketing tools, digital marketing is a multimedia tool; A combination of text, sound and image.

Just think of traditional marketing and advertising tools, such as telephone calls, paper survey forms, posters and flyers, billboards, and text reports in magazines and newspapers, and compare them to today’s modern digital tools.

This valuable opportunity is another advantage of digital marketing and has caused the importance of digital marketing to increase in the portfolio of companies’ marketing activities.

Certainly, the effect of a pizzeria’s pamphlet that the local supermarket puts in our shopping bag is not the same as a one-minute clip of customers eating pizza recorded and published on a website or social networks such as Instagram.

The TV teaser, as a traditional tool that is considered a competitor to such a clip, is still far away from it because here the text can also be attached to the clip and the audience can give their comments under the clip and two-way interaction can be created.

Customer interaction on the web and social networks is a better example of multimedia communication.

Remember that digital marketing is a platform for multimedia communication, but the possibility of using different tools does not mean that we must use all of them. The art of the marketing unit, as well as the advertising department, is to recognize what tools are useful for what. For example, Instagram has been shifting its users from photo sharing to video content for years. After seeing that making engaging long clips is not easy for many users, this network moved the space towards short videos or Reels. But the digital marketing expert saying that we should go to video for advertising, that is short video, is not necessarily a sure rule. Each product and each brand should think separately in each campaign and see what tool is most suitable for them. For a supplement company, a text ad on social media or a website or a long audio explanation in a podcast may still be more appropriate than a combination of text, audio and video in a short Instagram video.

Whatever channel and platform you use, it is important to be able to offer the best quality. Today, the competition in the quality of multimedia content production has become very serious and many small businesses have learned how to obtain the desired quality. If you can’t produce quality multimedia content, it’s better to skip these tools. A weak audio or video file can give the customer the feeling that they are dealing with a weak brand.

Multimedia communication can be from you to the customer and vice versa. Digital tools have made it possible for many customers to go beyond simple text communication with businesses and use audio and video channels as well. At least with current technologies where voice-to-text conversion is not possible with sufficient accuracy, it is important to have methods to record the content of messages. For example, sales or after-sales service experts are obliged to save the summary of voice conversations in text form. Or, in any way, create a context that is possible to check the history of the relationship with the customer, quickly and accurately. If you do not provide such conditions, this same multimedia capacity in the digital space can become a weak point for your business.

Introduction of digital marketing training book

There are not so many Persian digital marketing books that you are free to choose them. But there are not enough digital marketing training books in English.

In addition, there are many books on each of the specialized topics of digital marketing. For example, mobile marketing books or content marketing and content strategy books have a big world.

Therefore, it cannot be said that the few books I introduce here are necessarily the best digital marketing books. But at least they are known and valid.

1- The New Rules of Marketing and PR book

The book The New Rules of Marketing and PR

David Scott’s book titled The New Rules of Marketing and Public Relations can be considered a classic reference book in the field of digital marketing.

This book has been reprinted many times and the author has updated it based on the conditions and needs of each time.

Scott’s book deals with the management aspects of digital marketing more than the technical aspects. But it can be useful for everyone who is interested in digital marketing.

Internet advertising, direct marketing using digital tools, blogging, digital publishing of business news, SEO, social networks, podcasts and other methods of content production are among the discussions raised in this book.

Of course, you should not expect that reading this book will surprise you or come across a new point on every page.

But it can be said that the feature of this book is to organize the reader’s mind in the field of digital marketing and its sub-categories, as well as the place of digital marketing in today’s business environment, and if you are looking to learn digital marketing in simple language, it can probably satisfy you. slow

2- Ctrl Alt Delete book

Ctrl Alt Delete book

Everyone who has worked with a computer knows the combination of the three buttons Ctrl, Alt and Delete, and that is nothing but rebooting the computer when everything has to start from the beginning.

Mitch Joel, who himself has a valuable executive experience in internet marketing , has examined the role of digital tools in the transformation of businesses in this book.

The book is similar to a collection of scattered blog posts. A blog that deals with the relationship between business and the digital world.

Therefore, wherever you open it, you can read and think about the points raised.

But precisely for this reason, unlike David Scott’s book, the author’s claim is not this, and you should not expect that your mind will be organized in this area. Maybe after reading the book, you will be more confused than before.

But his points are so valuable that you check them from time to time and reserve a place in the corner of your mind for Mitch Jewell’s words, advice and analysis.

3- Epic Content Marketing book

Epic Content Marketing book

Joe Polizzi has several books on content strategy and content marketing, each of which is useful in its own right.

But the Epic Content Marketing book can be seen as more than content marketing. Because in it, he paid attention to many areas of digital marketing and discussed the role of content in each of the areas.

The introduction of the book is written by one of the managers of SAP, and in this way, Polizzi informs the audience that he is going to encounter a set of practical experiences and tips in the field of digital marketing.

Targeting for content marketing, business model based on content, content calendar and use of different platforms and tools for digital marketing are among the discussions discussed in this book.

Digital marketing training course

Both in the world and in Iran, many face-to-face and non-face-to-face courses are held on the topic of digital marketing. Many of the organizers of these courses also claim that they hold the best digital marketing course. But the bottom line is that one of the important factors that determine the effectiveness of a course is matching the needs of the student with the level and topics of the course.

For example, if you don’t have basic knowledge of HTML and coding, an SEO course with completely technical content can be inappropriate for you. While another course with much simpler content, with topics that can be considered elementary and even incomplete, can be more effective. We believe that the content presented on the Digi Ding website blog can provide you with an initial familiarity with the basics of digital marketing to the extent that you can choose the best course from the available online or face-to-face courses depending on your taste and learn specialized digital marketing. follow.

Also, keep in mind that it doesn’t make sense for any person, organization or website to claim that they can provide complete digital marketing training from zero to one hundred. Usually, each set is stronger in one or two areas and has general information in other areas. So, in order to become a digital marketing expert, you probably need to go through a basket of tutorials and learn from each person or group the part that they know the most and are the most proficient at.

Suggested topics to start digital marketing training

The list below is my recommended topics to start learning and teaching digital marketing:

  • Basic concepts of marketing
  • Basic concepts of CRM and customer relationship
  • Basic concepts in media and media management
  • Basic concepts related to advertising and advertising campaigns
  • Concepts related to content management
  • Principles, techniques and standards of online presence
  • Concepts related to brand and branding
  • Knowledge of common digital marketing tools
  • Knowledge of social networks and related activities
  • Knowledge of search engines and related activities
  • Principles and techniques of search engine optimization and marketing
  • Concepts related to the psychology of audiences and colors
  • Concepts related to strategy and planning
  • Basic web programming concepts and technical topics
  • Getting to know measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of activities
  • Concepts related to data mining and data analysis

The field of digital marketing is much wider and more diverse than these headings, but I believe that to start learning in this field, it is very important to study and understand the listed concepts.

Digital marketing training

Predicting the future of digital marketing in Iran

Sometimes due to restrictions that arise in the country, such as restricting access to external sites from inside Iran or restricting access of Iranians to foreign sites by other countries, it is believed that the future of digital marketing in Iran is not very promising.

The fact is that any form of restriction of digital activity can harm a part of the digital economy, and this is not in dispute. Also, being deprived of international services and services, assuming that this happens, will be an irreparable damage to the country’s economy, politics and human capital.

However, these unfortunate events, assuming they happen, cannot be taken as a sign of a decline in digital marketing expertise. The field is likely to remain booming and the income of digital marketing experts will be maintained. But the portfolio of their tools and skills will change and maybe a type of digital marketer will grow in the country that is not in demand in the global market.

If you have a prediction about the future of digital marketing in Iran, we will be happy to share your prediction with us.

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