There are a series of basic principles and concepts in SEO that you should know. For example, you should know the concept of meta tags . Learn what H tags are and why they are used. Understand the URL and know how it affects the site’s SEO. What is a back link and how important is it for the site? What is meant by content and why content is called the king. What is a keyword and are everything keywords? What do user interface and user experience mean and why do they play an important role in site SEO ?
Today we will go to these questions. Learn and understand SEO concepts well at the very beginning so that your mind is ready when it comes to implementation. This part is very important because you must have heard that:
The first clay is like a crooked architect
The crooked wall goes up to Soraya
So you understand what I mean that learning must be deep and accompanied by love so that progress can be achieved. Now, in my opinion, let’s put poetry and literature aside temporarily and enter the winding and exciting world of SEO and search engine optimization.
Website design and its impact on SEO:
It all comes down to the site template and creating a site to get started. The site is the main platform for the implementation of SEO concepts and must meet a series of standards by default. That is, the design of our website template should be SEO Friendly and easily understood by search engines. This discussion is also called Website Theme SEO .
The main structure of a site is made up of HTML codes. That is, everything is finally converted to HTML and shown to the user.
HTML programming language
HTML is not a programming language and is more commonly known as a markup language. It stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and has a series of symbols called tags. In a very general way, a site is made by combining several HTML tags.
I recommend that you do some website design before starting to learn SEO. You don’t have to become a professional designer or programmer (although it’s great if you are), understanding site structure and website design techniques will give you a good understanding of the process of optimizing that site.
For example, you will understand why the use of tables in page structure is obsolete. Or why we should use CSS and JavaScript optimally. You understand the advantages of HTML5 and XHTML. You understand that the template should be designed as light and optimal as possible to have a good speed. If you understand the design of the site, the SEO of the site will be sweeter for you.
What is the user interface or UI?
Defining the user interface is difficult. User interface is an interface between computer and human that makes interaction with computer possible. The UI is visible to the user and he communicates with our service with the help of it. For example, in website design , the skin that the user sees is the user interface, and its logic is processed on the server side and is far from the user’s eyes. Implementing an attractive user interface is vital in SEO. The user gets tired of a site that does not have a beautiful UI. No matter how powerful the content is.
What is user experience or UX?
User Experience is the feeling that the user has after engaging with your site. In my opinion, UX means providing an experience for the user who feels good after seeing your service and becomes a loyal customer.
For example, on this page, if the site was slow to load. Or how many fonts were there? Or, pop-up and annoying ads would parade on users’ nerves. or not showing the suggested and related content and other parameters did not exist. How many seconds do you think the user spends on the site?
What is a URL?
Look at the address at the top of the web browser . What you see is a URL. In fact, URL is the address of a computer in the network that can be accessed by users. For example, you will be called to the main page of Google by typing the address in your browser anywhere in the world .
What is the title tag?
Title is one of the HTML language tags that specifies the title of the page . When you write new content for the site, there is a section for writing the page title. This title represents your page and is considered as the most important tag of that page. In fact, Title is one of the Heading tags, which can also be used as H1 if desired.
For example, the title of this post that you are reading is ” Principles and preliminary concepts of SEO site “. This phrase is the H1 of this page. Title Tag is very important in SEO site and choosing it correctly will increase the click rate ( CTR ).
What do H tags mean?
H tags or Heading Tags include 6 tags that are used to title content on web pages. These tags are categorized in order of importance and validity from numbers 1 to 6. That is, we have H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 tags and we use these tags for different parts of our site content to provide an optimized structure of our site content to search engine bots and to search engines to understand. Help us understand the correct meaning of the content of the site.
What is meant by meta tags and what are their uses?
OK. We understand that web pages are made up of HTML and HTML has various tags. There are a group of tags that are visible to the user and the user can see the contents of that tag. For example, the P tag, which is used to display a paragraph. The user sees the text inside this tag as a paragraph and a tag is visible to the user.
But this is not always the case. Another group of tags are invisible to the user and contain information that describes the content of the page. This information can be useful for search engines and browsers (not all meta tags). We call this group of tags Meta Tags . See, there is no compulsion to use meta tags on the page. Some of them are even completely obsolete.
Google officially announced that it does not use Keyword Meta Tags for its ranking, but we still have good meta tags such as Description and Robot x, which are important for site optimization and SEO.
We will introduce the key metatags.
What is a keyword?
We call the expressions that the user enters in the search box as Query. The meaning of the keyword is the same. That is, the terms that users enter in search engines . Keywords are a few important words that make up the meaning of the content we produce. Do you agree with an example?
This page of our site is optimized for several important keywords. For example, the terms SEO and site SEO were in our mind. So we expect to show up in the results and attract good organic traffic with these keywords that are relevant to our work. As I write this article today, I have to admit that keywords are not as important as you think. Not that they are unimportant, just that the situation of search engines has improved and they are not fooled by keywords.
Everything in SEO is not a keyword!
I have read on many sites that write about SEO: everything starts with choosing a keyword. I do not fully accept this.
I don’t fully accept Content Is King.
A few years ago, when search engines were not so advanced, sites had a better chance of ranking in the results. how about Well, most sites would bombard their pages with keywords they wanted to rank for in order to get Google’s attention for that keyword. A few years ago, this method was very popular and most webmasters or site managers focused on choosing keywords and using them excessively in the content.
For example, consider a site that operates in the field of buying digital products and wants to rank with the keyword “mobile shopping”. Previously, it might have worked like this in content production:
Buying a mobile phone on our site is a successful mobile purchase. Leave the mobile shopping to us. We provide mobile shopping service and…
One gets a bad feeling about this content. Google does not like this at all. User comfort is a priority for Google and any successful search engine .
Nowadays, the excessive use of keywords (Keyword Stuffing) is not only not beneficial for the site, but it will also cause a drop in the ranking or sometimes a penalty for the site in the relevant keywords.
Bear in mind that not everything is a keyword, and most of the pages that rank 1 in Google these days are not optimized for just one specific keyword.
What is a backlink?
We call every link that a site gives to our site a backlink. For example, if you write an article about SEO training on your site, and link to our website in a part of the article, it means that we have received a backlink from your site. Link building is important to search engines, and any site that has a lot of high-quality backlinks has a better chance of appearing in higher results.
Link building is divided into two parts, internal and external. If we link to different pages on our site, it means we have done internal linking . But if a site other than ours gives us a link and we are the cause of it, it means that external linking has been done. But what happened when I said that we will cause it ourselves?
There are two concepts about backlinks . One is link building and one is link earning . If we do our work in the best way and sites give us backlinks without any need, this is Link Earning. Something that Google loves and does not create any problems for the site’s SEO. But when we start working and we try to get links for our site, it means that we are building links. Google doesn’t like this, but it is done in gray hat SEO and black hat SEO , while in white hat SEO , linking method is used.

In this article, we reviewed the basic concepts of SEO together. Things like the impact of site design on SEO, user interface, user experience, the concept of URL and backlink, the concept of metatags and some important metatags in the On Page SEO of the site, such as the title tag, checking the concept of keywords, etc. We deal in the field of SEO .
If you need search engine optimization services or SEO campaign implementation, contact Digi Ding to receive an analytical report on the SEO status of your business for free in addition to exclusive advice.