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Getting to the first page of Google

Getting to the first page of Google

Let me tell you right from the start that this is a different post and I will not provide you with a direct and quick solution to reach the first page of Google. We just have a friendly chat and we want to check how a site reaches the first page of Google and even becomes the 1st link. I don’t want to come up with a long list and say that doing this target keyword strategy will rank great. I just wrote 5 tips and experiences for you so that it might be useful for you.

Guaranteed SEO

Have a very, very important tip from me, there is no such thing as guaranteed SEO . Do not be fooled by these words and these people.

Those who claim that they will guarantee your site to a certain position, are either lying or do not have a proper understanding of SEO . It can never be guaranteed that by doing a series of tasks your site will be on the first page of the results. Because different scenarios may occur and maybe your field of work has so many serious competitors that at the beginning of the work, following all SEO principles, you still do not have a very good position in the results list.

I talked to someone a while ago. It had a site related to freight and transportation. He wanted me to get his site to the first link of Google for almost 100 target keywords. The interesting thing was that he did not want to pay any amount and said that whenever these 100 keywords are included in link 1, I will pay a relatively good amount. My attempts to convince them that SEO doesn’t work like that went nowhere.

Of course, there are some keywords that do not have much competition and are rarely searched in a month. Getting to the first page of Google results and even becoming a link for these words is not a difficult task and is easily done. Again, in my opinion, guaranteeing these words is not an interesting thing.

So forget guaranteed SEO and work carefully and diligently on the site. If you follow the principles and concepts of SEO well and follow the right path, you will reach a good position. Don’t fall in love with these beautiful sentences.

Guaranteed SEO

Time to reach the first page of Google

Getting to the first page of Google results is not a matter of one or two days. It is not possible to travel the hundred-year-old route overnight. If you have a newly established site and you are working on highly competitive and difficult keywords, the idea of ​​Google 1st link is just a piece of cake. Of course, if you have a long-term vision, that’s great. I mean, you don’t immediately get to the point where Google won’t let you do this until it trusts your site, because it’s very, very important that the site is trustworthy or has a high authority.

The benefits of reaching the first page of Google

Attracting more free and organic traffic equals more product or service sales.

Almost 92% of searches are done with Google and almost 40% of people click on the first link in the results. And the sad thing is that almost 90% of people start on the first page of their job results and have nothing to do with page 2 onwards. So, if you are not on the first page of the results in the target keywords, you have a 10% chance of being seen. In pages 3 onwards, this number becomes much less. We know that in the real world, users get what they want on the first page of results.

So, going to the first page of Google results is a logical and attainable dream for every site manager.

The path to the first page of Google

I will give you 5 solutions that will help you reach the first page of Google results in the long run.

1. Have a clear goal for the site

The most important thing is to understand your own business. You need to know why you created a website and what exactly you are going to provide. If you do not know your goal well, it will be difficult to work on the site. Random and scattered tasks will cause problems for your ranking.

For example, Divar is an online buying and selling service without intermediaries. Or Zomit site is an online news magazine.

These sites know exactly what to do. They know what questions to answer and which needs of users to solve.

If you have a store site , understand exactly what products you sell and what services you should provide. Be sure to ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the exact purpose of my site?
  • What service am I going to provide that people will love and make money from?
  • What is my monetization plan?
  • Do I have a long-term plan for the site’s goals?
  • How many people do I need to manage the site?
  • Do I have a plan to develop the site?
  • Are current visitors satisfied with my site?

The most important part of the work is here. Understanding your business and the path you need to take.

Start researching and strategizing keywords related to your site’s topic. See what people are searching for and what keywords you’d like to drive traffic to.

2. Know your audience and users better

You are usually dealing with a certain spectrum of society. It means a special group with a special thought flow that visits your site. You must know who your target audience is and for what purpose they enter your site.

A quit smoking site is an account with a smoking audience whose goal is to quit smoking. An online book store has reader users. An online food ordering service targets hungry audiences who want a good meal delivered to them in a short amount of time. A programming tutorial site deals with people who understand computers. A site like Ding Ding works with you, most likely you are the owner of a site and business or you manage someone’s site.

If you don’t understand users, your site will get nowhere…

For this part of the work, start getting to know the users and see what their needs are. Users show their needs by searching and you can understand the popularity of a stream with a tool like Google Trends .

Try to guess their needs with whatever spectrum you are in contact with. For example, a person who reads books may also like audio books. Or a programmer might also like SEO. By analyzing the behavior of users, you can give them interesting offers and attract more traffic.

3. Analyze your competitors

The third task is competitor analysis. A serious part of any business. You should know the conditions, position and goals of someone whose work is similar to yours. I don’t accept the saying that we should only do our own work and it doesn’t matter to us what a competitor is doing. At all, with this way of thinking, our fate will be the fate of Nokia when it was separated from its other colleagues.

You need to know what your competitors plan and what they are doing. Don’t let yourself be caught off guard in your career.

Search for your keywords and look at Google’s 1-10 links. See what sites Google has shown as the best results. Do you think they deserve it? What have they done to be in this position now? Think you can come up with something better than this list? Have competitors covered your desired query well? Have your needs been met? Or did you get more information than you need?

Analyzing competitors and understanding their advantages and disadvantages is a solid step in reaching the first page of Google results.

An important point for me is to observe this:

If something good is published on the web and fulfills the user’s need, you should not waste your time on it.

If you find your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses, you have a winning card. Learn its strengths and use its weaknesses in your site in the best way.

There are tools like Ahref that allow you to analyze the keywords of a competitor’s site.

There are two ways to increase traffic and get to the first page of Google results. In the first method, you should attract natural traffic (Organic) with the help of SEO, and in the second method, you should get the traffic you want by using Google Adwords and paying for it.

You must have heard the example of giving fish and teaching fishing. The second case is giving fish to the user. A bite ready to eat. In this post we focus on the first one and we want to achieve good rankings with natural traffic. Without the help of money and Google ads .

4. Doing basic internal SEO (On Page Seo)

After you have checked the target triangle of the site, audience and competitors, the practical work begins in earnest. This is where you need to understand and use SEO.

I don’t like to write a long list of internal SEO topics. If you like, visit the post of what is On Page SEO and browse the other content of the site.

Doing on-site SEO is not a terrible or too complicated task that you cannot handle. Don’t let the colorful advertisements of some sites discourage you, for example, to become an expert in internal SEO, you have to pay millions of money and buy a certain package.

Throw away all these thoughts. It is not like that at all. Think of Google as a robot trying to steal your work. The cleaner you do your job, the more he likes you. There are a series of standards that sites must follow, and these principles are On Page Seo . Go beyond and see Google as a human being. A friend who wants to put you in a better place, if you follow the rules.

5. Doing basic SEO (Off Page Seo)

If we have two sites a and b and both sites have exactly the same position in terms of structure, this is where the number of backlinks shows itself more than before and increases the rank and position of the site.

I can confidently say that backlinks are still very important for Google . Although SEO principles have changed in recent years, you should still not forget to get links.

The best thing to do to get backlinks is to do nothing and make your site so strong and reliable that other sites will point to you naturally. Like the country’s assessment site. But in the real world, this is a bit difficult and many people do link building by themselves . That is, they create backlinks for their site.

If you get useful and relevant links, you will have more chances to go to the first page of Google results.

I suggest that you definitely take a look at what is Off Page Seo post .


There is no shortcut or special technique to get to the first page of Google results. You have to be patient and step by step on the path.

Start a good site, know the audience, analyze the competitors, do internal SEO correctly,  don’t neglect off page SEO . By following these steps, the click rate of your site will gradually increase. With the help of Rank Brain algorithm, Google finds your site suitable and you will increase your ranking.

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