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What is SEO?

What is SEO

SEO is an abbreviation of  Search Engine Optimization , which generally means search engine optimization . In order to better understand the concept and reasons for the importance of SEO and understand what SEO is, let’s first divide SEO into 2 parts ( Se ) and ( O ) . That is, first understand what Se or search engine is and then understand the concept of optimization.

Before taking the first step and entering the world of  SEO  , let’s go outside the world of the Internet.

Imagine you want to start a physical women’s bag store. If you buy the best shoes in the world, if you hire the best salespeople in the world. If you choose the best and most luxurious decoration, if you set great prices for products, if you are the best in everything but your shop is in the middle of a barren desert, do you think anyone would want to buy from you?

If we optimize this women’s bag store for search engines and SEO, it will be as if your store has moved to the best and busiest streets of Tehran, and your sales chances will sometimes increase hundreds of times. This is the general concept of SEO.

What is a search engine?

You might think of Google when you hear the name of the search engine. This is partly true. But to be more precise, Google is a web search engine. In general , a search engine is a program that shows results based on a user’s search. In addition, it is not mandatory that it is related to the world of the Internet or even online. But we are dealing with web search engines in the field of SEO.

What is a web search engine?

Google is a very popular web search engine. A web search engine is a software for scanning and browsing the World Wide Web. There are many technical issues behind the scenes of a search engine, but the most important thing it does is:

  1. Receive search from user
  2. Checking the database and showing the best and most relevant searched results

Important functions of web search engine

Crawl  : _

A crawler, also known as a spider, is a robot that moves between different pages with the help of links.

Index : _

The information obtained by the crawler is indexed for a series of keywords and stored in a very large database.

Now, when the user sends a request to the engine, a process is done and the closest results are selected from among the various indexed pages.

The search engine usually displays the results in a linear list based on the factors it considers for each page, which is called the SERP results screen.

What is site optimization ?

Site optimization  means doing things that make the search engine like your site and pay attention to it. (In Google, a well-optimized site  is called Google Friendly  ) Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu or any web search engine has a series of algorithms for itself . The parameters and ranking criteria of the sites are implemented in these algorithms.

Have you ever wondered why Google puts a site on the first rank of the results and another site on the 15th rank for the same keyword? With the help of these parameters, which are not few in number, the desired site is checked and shown in the list of results in order.

Optimization means that we manage our site in such a way that it is compatible with the criteria and rules of the search engine and can have a better interaction with it.

Site optimization includes many concepts that we will discuss in the future. For now, don’t forget that site optimization is actually  comprehensive site SEO  .

What is SEO ?

Now that we are familiar with the concept of Search Engine and Optimization, we can discuss SEO more deeply. SEO services are said to be an operation for a site to attract more organic traffic or natural traffic through search results. SEO should lead to a quantitative and qualitative increase in site traffic.

SEO means the process of doing things that introduce your site to the search engine in the best possible way and according to standard parameters.

Search engine optimization

The quality of input from Google is very important. SEO of your site should be such that it has the best content and the best experience for the user. So that the visitor, after entering a page of your site and seeing that article, says to himself that  this is exactly what I was looking for or to a large extent.  This means that the chance of converting a visitor into a user is very high.

This means you have quality input. This is a very good thing for your site.

The quantity of input means that according to each phrase that is searched, you will be present in the results and attract more users to your site. Consider that you have a site that has a lot of quality pages, now the more visits you have for these pages, the more successful you will be in your work.

Types of SEO services

SEO services are the main factor of visibility in the digital world, which is divided into 3 parts: On Page SEO , external SEO and technical SEO :

  1. On-Page SEO
  2. Off-Page SEO
  3. Technical SEO

The principled and standard use of all three parts of SEO services makes it possible to achieve higher rankings on the search engine results page ( SERP ).

Types of SEO service methods

White hat SEO

As you must have guessed from this name. White hat SEO means to be good with search engine rules and regulations and not to break the rules. Your main focus should be the audience, not the search engine. That is, follow all search engine standards like Google and do not have any suspicious or unacceptable behavior.

It means, quite naturally, focus on your site and try to create the best things you can on the site, which is the opposite of black hat SEO.

Gray Hat SEO

Gray hat SEO is not a combination of white hat SEO and black hat SEO. This group follows the general principles of Google or any search engine, but they do not adhere to the rules and do not limit themselves. That is, if necessary and forced, they carefully bypass Google’s rules in order to be more successful in the results. This group likes both the user and the search engine.

Black hat SEO

Black hat SEO is exactly the opposite of white hat SEO. As much as white hat SEOs respect the search engine, black hat SEOs don’t value Google’s red lines. Although black hat SEO techniques give results quickly, they fail just as quickly.

What is organic traffic?

You must have seen that a part of the search results are usually dedicated to advertisements and the word “Ad” appears next to them. These ads have a cost and their creators pay for the traffic they receive with a series of formulas. This is the exact opposite of organic traffic.

When a user visits your site without paying for it, it means that you have attracted natural traffic to your site. Any entry through search results to your site without paying is considered an organic entry.

The three factors of input quality, input quantity and generating organic traffic are the three main aspects of SEO.

Do not forget the user in the SEO process

A very important point. Make this the queen of your mind right now. Before going deeper into SEO topics and start doing this professionally.

You should know that SEO is not building a site for search engines. Everything in a medium like a website depends on its users and you should always think about users. You shouldn’t be all about producing content that Google will fall in love with. You must focus on the user and their needs.

You have to work in a way that solves a user’s problem and makes him happy to visit your site. You must know what the user wants and how you can answer his question in the best possible way. Every user who searches for a phrase is actually looking for an answer. It is your duty to give him the best answer and more importantly the most relevant answer. Not the answer the search engine likes to see. If all you care about is optimizing your site for Google, you will forget about users. This is not what Google likes. In fact, the latest results and research have shown that Google today loves and respects user-oriented sites.

Adhere to SEO principles

But you have to be careful not to fall off the other side of the roof. It is true that users are the priority and site content should be produced according to their needs, not the search engine. But you should not completely forget the search engines and just focus on your own work. People use Google a lot and few users go directly to the main page of a site to find a solution to their problem.

This is very time consuming. So Google and other search engines are very important to attract traffic.

We do SEO to produce valuable content for our users, content that is also attractive to search engines. If Google realizes that you follow the principles of SEO , but your ultimate goal is to solve a problem and satisfy the needs of visitors, it will consider a very good position for you.

Even if it doesn’t happen right away. You have to be patient, but you will definitely get results. You should be friendly with search engines, especially Google, and pay attention to the points that are important to them. But never sacrifice the needs of the users.

A successful site must die for the user if it works for the search engine.

Why should we SEO our site?

I think you got the answer to the question. In fact, it is better if we ask the question like this. Why  should we SEO our site  and how can the search engine itself not discover its content?

We know that the search engine, no matter how advanced it is, is not human and cannot see the content of a site like you and me. Maybe a page that is very attractive to the user is terrible for the search engine.

Our account side is a robot that tries to read and analyze your content like a human, but in general it is a robot.

Although every day Google and other search engines become smarter and understand your site better. But they still need help. Google is constantly improving its algorithms to provide a closer search experience to the user. If you don’t help Google find your content, who will? You have to SEO the site in such a way that it is attractive even for a very powerful robot like Google Bot .

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